Example sentences of "have [adv] [vb pp] out [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But this year he has just gone out and done the job .
2 In the period between the two maps , the former distortion has just faded out whereas the latter has amplified and migrated to become the significant cyclonic region at the south of Greenland in the second map .
3 Stefano Tani has already pointed out that Calvino 's idea of observation , within his wider poetic of ‘ seeing ’ , is a different matter from the ‘ impassive and indifferent , basically blind , gaze that we have inherited from the nouveau roman ’ .
4 This Report has already pointed out that something more than singing and playing may lie needed if boys and girls are to remain part of a choir or music group .
5 In London it has already sold out and a second print-run is under way .
6 Criminal libel is an ancient offence which is now unlikely to be invoked against the media by prosecuting authorities : the Law Commission has recommended its abolition , and one Law Lord has further pointed out that its scope conflicts with the European Convention on Human Rights .
7 He has also pointed out that the future did not loom so large for them as it did for the Roman historians , who were anxious about the fate of their empire .
8 But the party has also lost out because of the salience of race ( which encouraged the white south to defect to the Republicans ) , embourgeoisement of the working class , and the Social Issue ( concern about the rise of the anti-Vietnam war protest movement in the 1970s and the assertiveness and challenges to traditional values by various minority groups ) .
9 The long arm of Mani Pulite has now reached out and grasped the head of Siemens AG 's Italian subsidiary , arresting Giorgio Scanavacca , president of Siemens Telecomunicazioni and managing director of Siemens SpA , on suspicion of corruption : the arrest was reportedly linked to alleged kickbacks to political parties paid to secure contracts with the state telephone company , ASST .
10 Needs some help and gets it from Thomson who started this move off and lifted in towards Agnew , Cooper clears it still has n't gone out and er Phillips just prevented it I think going for a corner , yes it 's a throw .
11 she has n't gone out and sold it though has she ? for one or two fairly decent names er
12 SunSoft says it has n't worked out whether Solaris for the IBM Corp/Motorola Inc PowerPC RISC will be compatible with the PowerOpen environment that IBM is developing for the CPU , but says it 'll observe all binary standards .
13 SunSoft says it has n't worked out whether Solaris for the IBM Corp-Motorola Inc PowerPC RISC will be compatible with the PowerOpen environment that IBM is developing for the CPU , but says it will observe all binary standards .
14 ‘ If you will allow me to say so , Prime Minister , ’ he continued , ‘ Britain has consistently lost out because … . ’
15 Dr Lee has recently pointed out that although the resources which went into the exporting industries could have been channelled elsewhere , the return would almost certainly have been less : " An eighteenth-century economy without resource to trade would have been smaller , less diversified and must have generated less growth even than the modest rate of increase actually achieved . "
16 Professor John Brewer has recently pointed out that the capital value of the fleet at the end of the eighteenth century was perhaps five times greater than the £402,651 at which the West Riding woollen manufacture was valued in 1801 .
17 Gerard handed Katherine her cup , and Mr Lee took a certain small pleasure in allowing him to pass over the second cup , even though he could have easily reached out and taken it .
18 Micky and the two girls were looking for a fourth person — someone having just moved out and on .
19 I though Tyler was the best writer NME ever had and I 've since found out that him and Ian McDonald were the ones that gave the NME its style in the first place .
20 At the time I thought she was keen for me to do my bit to help others but I 've since found out that while I was getting a prick in my arm she was ( I know what you 're thinking ) getting some peace and quiet .
21 It was as if the sun had suddenly come out and for all his age and infirmity , Lovat caught his breath .
22 The NDI observer group , claiming that the elections were " generally open , orderly and well-administered " , had nevertheless pointed out that " the caretaker government 's use of the perquisites of incumbency " had seemed " to have given an advantage to one of the contesting parties " — presumed to be a reference to the IDA .
23 When they returned , they discovered that the main body of men had already flown out and that a party of drivers under Scratchley was waiting for them to join the vehicle convoy south through the Great Sand Sea .
24 Would such a person , watching Peter now , reading the prayers of Rite B in his level , pleasant voice , notice that resentment lay , like his blood , just under his skin , because the life he had chosen had not turned out as he had expected it to ?
25 ‘ I never used to read poetry at all but I 've just found out that it says all the things I 've often felt but never been able to express .
26 At half-past nine she rang the police station and was told that DCI Harris had just gone out and was not expected back until after lunch .
27 This tendency to dichotomize policemen against the social reformer even led the ex-police liberal John Alderson uncharacteristically to describe the historian E. P. Thompson as being ‘ an unfair critic of the police ’ ( Public Office , Granada TV , 20 June 1980 ) ; and this at a time when Thompson ( 1980 ) had just pointed out that most policemen are ‘ ordinary blokes , and no society could do without them in dealing with many of its sordid realities ’ .
28 We had never consciously allocated days to each other ; it had just turned out that we had grabbed them and put our stamp on them .
29 The South African war had just broken out and I had received my embarkation orders .
30 This guy who lives round the corner had just come out and he 'd started up in business again and he was laying it on me a gram at a time and I was doing it out in bags .
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