Example sentences of "have [adv] [vb pp] [to-vb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Hodkinson 's defeat was only his second loss in 24 contests and he has since vowed to regain his title .
2 Still , Anixter has only begun to exploit its potential .
3 Jim , who lives and delivers in Kilkeel , Co Down , has only failed to make his round once — and that was in a snowstorm in 1977 when his delivery van had to be towed out of a drift .
4 Indeed , that was why so many of his remarks have echoed in my mind over the years , because experience has merely served to confirm their aptness .
5 Britain has apparently undertaken to review its own aid to Vietnam once it becomes clear that forced repatriation is working smoothly , and that Hanoi keeps to its side of the bargain , not to punish boat people who are deported from Hong Kong .
6 With its large population and massive dependence on foreign exchange from oil exports Nigeria is regarded as the most vulnerable of the OPEC countries and has constantly battled to increase its production quota above the 1.3 million barrels per day laid down by OPEC .
7 Partly to counter these charges the EC has constantly tried to develop its relations with other countries and this applies also to cultural relations .
8 From the bench Bateman had said : ‘ I here beg leave , not merely in my own name but in the name of the whole bench , to require from Mr Ashton the name of the individual on whose statements he has thus presumed to impugn our magisterial conduct . ’
9 Fred has meanwhile offered to sell his own car to Brian for £500 , giving Brian seven days to make up his mind .
10 He asked me that same question at the conference but , like Pontius Pilate , has not stayed to report my answer .
11 The company has not attempted to sell its products abroad , but feels that if it is ever to expand again , then overseas markets are the only feasible method .
12 Mr Gorbachev has not bothered to hide his disapproval of the way Mr Ceausescu and his family have ruled Romania .
13 Now that the Labour party has finally decided to publish its phoney budget , it should think again and drop those damaging and vindictive proposals .
14 AIR France , the state-owned carrier which has just agreed to buy its Belgian rival Sabena , trimmed its losses to land £68.5m in the red for 1991 .
15 However , with reorganisation now substantially complete , the business has already begun to realise its ambitions in transport , contract and apparel fabrics .
16 According to Amersham finance director Bill Ellaby , the purchase of Medi-Physics , which has already started to reorganise its business to eliminate losses before completion of the deal , will have a neutral effect on earnings per share at Amersham this year but a positive effect in 1990/1 .
17 Terence has already had to expand his business to cope with demand , and he 's hoping to take on even more workers soon .
18 Some of the details were withheld because of the military use of the reactor , others because of the shroud of secrecy with which the nuclear establishment , mistrustful of a prying public , has always liked to enclose its activities .
19 ( Every man has always wanted to marry his mother , before and since Oedipus . )
20 BAIE Scotland has always tried to keep its fees as reasonable as possible , thanks to the generosity of sponsors and tutors .
21 MARJE Proops has always refused to reveal her exact age but she married husband Sidney on November 21 , 1935 .
22 Camilla , 45 , has always refused to discuss her friendship with the Prince .
23 I like Malham because , in spite of the hammering it takes from visitors , it has still managed to keep its character .
24 The originator of the tapes has clearly decided to make his tape deck pay for itself ( although I think he could take a few hints on how to eliminate unwanted hum and noise ) and the result can only be described as a rip off .
25 Standard Life has also decided to improve its range of protection products , including the introduction of non-smoker rates on level term assurance , mortgage protection and family income bond .
26 Hanger has also threatened to kill his parents who live in Bath , and they 're now under guard at a police safe house .
27 The real worries about Germany may come after the 1990s , when Germany is not only whole , free and rich , but has also begun to sense its real power .
28 Sotheby 's has also agreed to extend its current loan of $1.5 million , secured against $3 million worth of works of art from the Society 's collection , past the due date of November 1993 to avoid ‘ precipitating a foreclosure or [ consequent ] sale ’ according to Mr Ross .
29 For Dancing Through The Dark , Russell has also had to wear his composer 's hat , scoring five new songs and all the background music .
30 During this period the Board has also had to find its feet , build up its staff resources to the planned level and concern itself with the production of some weighty discussion documents .
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