Example sentences of "have [adv] [vb base] [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 How , to start with , do they know that they have reached part of the sea where the water below them has suddenly become very much deeper ?
2 MAKING money has suddenly become much more profitable as recently-created countries wanting to establish their newly-won independence start issuing their own currency .
3 Your mental attitude and well-being has great influence over how much you indulge , so relaxation should become an important feature in your day , to help you feel good .
4 The distribution of responsibilities between local , national , public and voluntary sectors has also become less rather than more clear , which reduces the possibilities of accountability .
5 The revived magazine , now printed in Finland has , it is generally agreed , become even more polished and elegant , but it has also become considerably more expensive .
6 This has now become more readily available with the development of liver transplantation programmes .
7 Since the cost of the highly controversial PWR programme would have been spread over all the stations built , it has now become considerably more expensive per reactor unit .
8 The population has now become much more dispersed , with birds occurring on many of the larger lakes , reservoirs and areas of gravel pits in the county .
9 The expenditure side has now become much more fully developed but the analysis of the sources of finance , especially taxation , remains very important .
10 THE ELECTION has now become so thunderingly dull that I believe the viewing ratings on telly have never been lower .
11 The idea that a price at auction is a definitive market price has even become quite generally accepted , although in fact auctions are subject to manipulation like other markets described by some economists as free .
12 Another method of identification has recently become more widely accepted , in spite of the fact that it needs to be implanted surgically by a vet , although this is a relatively minor procedure .
13 They 'ave ter walk back 'ome black as the coal they 've bin diggin' out .
14 ‘ No , she only gives me money ter do the errands an' then I 'ave ter go back twice because I car n't carry them all in one go .
15 ‘ And what are you going to do now , Jessamy ? ’ he asked in a voice that had suddenly become much more taut .
16 After I had left her she had spilt her cup of tea all over the bedclothes , which had soon become not only wet but cold and wet .
17 The immediate application of this engine was in pumping water out of mine workings , which had often become so badly flooded that it was impossible for them to be worked , and pumps driven by waterwheels were unequal to the huge drainage problems .
18 ‘ Anyway , how 're y'both feelin' … or had n't y'got that far yet ? ’
19 Russian had indeed become more widely known ; it served as the language of administration and internationality communication , as well as a means of education and career advancement .
20 Although an ostensible headquarters was created at Dabrendorf , with seven ex-Soviet generals and some seventy colonels , it exercised no political or tactical authority over the dispersed Ostbataillonen , and had direct control over only one small training camp with which to take advantage of a wave of enthusiastic applications .
21 Nikol'skaia volost' had actually become even more cut off since 1917 .
22 Such a system , based on social class and the old school tie , had never become quite so entrenched across the Atlantic in the first place , and had largely broken down by the end of the 1950s .
23 Such packages have suddenly become more widely available .
24 Forced realignments of the ERM have lately become almost tiresomely familiar : they cause nothing like the excitement of last September 's startling breakdown , when Spain devalued for the first time since joining , and Britain and Italy decided , until further notice , to leave the system altogether .
25 Ideas relating the folds and faults expressed in the Mesozoic cover of southern England to the underlying basement structure go back at least as far as Godwin-Austen ( 1856 ) , but have gradually become more firmly based .
26 State and local parties have also become significantly less important as campaign organizations for Congressional elections .
27 But although voting behaviour in national elections has received most attention , many other forms of political activity have also become more locally differentiated .
28 Ethnic groups have now spread well away from original kin relations .
29 It would 've been better but erm I think that these terms have now become so widely known there 's , there 's no way of changing it back .
30 They were originally the signs used by the distributors of FES but have now become almost as well-known in the country as the Guinness brand name itself .
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