Example sentences of "have [adv] [adv] [vb pp] in " in BNC.

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1 Since then the Debenham Players has most definitely grown in size and support , the productions get better each time but still the members run the whole thing by themselves be it from costume making and lighting to front of house and stage construction .
2 Yet the market-led demand for foreign language courses , particularly in view of 1992 , has most certainly resulted in an increasing shortage of language tutors everywhere .
3 From top to bottom this was a society , which as David Ganz has so well observed in connection with the predestination controversy , ‘ was all too aware of its sins , all too uncertain of their forgiveness ’ .
4 And of the party in the Fifties : ‘ the Great Debate in British socialism has so far consisted in one side talking nonsense and the other side keeping mum . ’
5 This country has so far gone in the opposite direction .
6 And with the help of naturalists and ecologists ( and some of the best are very much aware of these added dimensions to their subjects ) it becomes possible to do consciously what has so far remained in the instinctive realm .
7 However , my enjoyment in witnessing this rejuvenated Athletico is spoilt by the fact that Terry Wade has so far persisted in wearing white shorts whilst the rest of his team mates wear the customary black .
8 Providing he retains control ( which he has so far succeeded in doing ) , he can play the media and not be affected by the media 's idiosyncrasy .
9 This is what has so often happened in the past ; and although the Chancellor has made it clear that low inflation remains his goal , now that the country is out of the ERM there is not a great deal that he can do to prevent it .
10 This is what has so often happened in the past ; and though the Chancellor has made it clear that low inflation remains his goal , now that the country is out of the ERM there is not a great deal that he can do to prevent it .
11 In conclusion I wish to emphasise that if this appeal is allowed the House will not thereby have chosen to re-establish in relation to a limited class of offence an inquisitorial method of ascertaining the truth in criminal cases which English law has long since repudiated in favour of an adversarial process .
12 The view that texts simply impose their meaning on readers has long since crumbled in the face of the evidence , as audience studies have pretty conclusively shown .
13 For example , Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous has only just begun in the UK whereas Alcoholics Anonymous has been in the UK for over forty years .
14 ‘ Disco Di ’ has only ever existed in the minds of headline writers with an appreciation for alliteration .
15 This idea of metempsychosis , or transmigration of souls , has only occasionally appeared in the West , in particular in the school of Pythagoras , which may have been subject to Eastern influences , since he was roughly contemporaneous with Buddha — and also with Zarathustra .
16 Allott , also 35 , was recalled from holiday in Wales to discover his fate , but it could hardly have been a surprise as he has not regularly figured in Lancashire 's games this season .
17 A younger man , I think — younger than Summerchild himself ; there is a firmness behind Summerchild 's deference which suggests that he is addressing someone not too senior — certainly one who has not yet served in the world of Royal Commissions and advisory units .
18 ‘ We shall have to conduct parliamentary debates in a style the Communist Party has not yet seen in its entire history , ’ Mr Modrow said .
19 And if it seemed surprising to reflect that the supremely versatile Hampshire trainer has not yet struck in our Classic races , it was even more incredible to learn from the man himself that Dead Certain 's victory in the richest two-year-olds race ever run in this country was his first success in a group one event .
20 But notice that stress , as described at the beginning of this chapter , has not yet appeared in the equation .
21 One is that Mr Lawson has not yet succeeded in getting a handle on domestic demand , and the signs of success this summer were misleading .
22 Worried by the reforms made by his predecessor Lionel Jospin , those directly affected fear any tendency towards publicity seeking by a ‘ Minister of Cultural Education ’ who , it seems , has not yet succeeded in shaking off his image as a lightweight .
23 Further , although this hypothesis has not yet resulted in an account incorporating consciousness , it has been remarkably successful in explaining many other mental phenomena which earlier generations saw as necessarily mysterious and as evidence for some kind of duality .
24 Such ‘ a profound confrontation ’ has not yet occurred in Britain , perhaps in part because issues of cost and economics have been more easily concealed within a universal health care service such as the National Health Service , than they are within more market-driven systems .
25 He hopes know-how in other hightech fields will help Daimler build better vehicles — a theory which British Aerospace has not yet proved in its acquisition of the Rover Group , another carmaker .
26 Cadman , whose company is backed by overseas investors and a bank of ‘ international repute ’ , claims that money has not yet figured in the talks and declines to discuss the size of the FTC bid .
27 Much more important is the fact that Mr Constantin Oancea , the man who dealt with Hungarian relations at the Romanian foreign ministry in Ceausescu 's time , has not only remained in post but appears to have been promoted .
28 He has not only remained in his job as a chemical engineer but has also been promoted twice and is now principal chemical engineer with Ciba , in Paisley .
29 It has not only failed in this , it has opened up a potential new division between private practice and employed lawyers .
30 Although the number of marketmakers has not substantially changed in the 3 years since the Big Bang the membership has .
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