Example sentences of "have [adv] [verb] [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Because the machine 's speed is reliant upon the whim of its rather dim-witted crew , the player has little control over its speed at all .
2 Violet has mostly dug up her patch and planted vegetables in it , but she has left a little strip of grass , about three foot long , which she mows with a lawn mower she bought at a jumble sale for two pounds .
3 ‘ Mr. Green finding it industriously circulated that he has entirely given up his intention of completing his survey , conceives himself for the liberal patronage he has experienced under the obligation of informing his subscribers that so far from relinquishing it , the Plan is three fourths finished , and that he intends laying aside all his other occupations to appropriate the ensuing half-year , from Christmas to midsummer , solely to that work , about which time , as part of it will very early in spring be put into the hands of able engravers , he hopes to complete it .
4 ‘ It has obviously set back our restoration work , ’ Mr Rutter said , ‘ but the worst aspect is the effect it will have on the morale of volunteers .
5 From the unlikely beginning of an extreme and unremitting egocentricity , Hobbes has thus explained how it is possible that a civil society can come into being .
6 While Crescendo has not firmed up its plans enough to announce what specific products are to follow , SynOptics says that in the third quarter of the year it will launch two FDDI unshielded twisted pair hub products : the Model 3905 FDDI UTP Host Module is claimed to be compatible with all existing SynOptics System 3000 modules , and will list for £3,630 .
7 They are still at large and Scotland Yard has not ruled out their possible involvement in the latest attacks , but they are believed to be firearms specialists rather than bomb makers .
8 She has not written up her data for publication .
9 The right hon. and learned Gentleman nodded when I asked him the same question earlier , but he has not said how he will ensure fairness between schools and therefore , no discrimination against students with special needs .
10 Does the accused have the intention permanently to deprive when he has not made up his mind to keep the thing permanently ?
11 Even if the buyer says he has not made up his mind yet , the salesperson can continue with his presentation or ask the customer a question , depending on which is most appropriate to the given situation .
12 Perhaps I should also say that the panel has not made up it 's mind yet about whether there should or should not be a new settlement of course .
13 If the innocent party is the buyer and he has not paid then he may simply refuse to do so and return the goods if he has already received them .
14 However , too often the student strains to see what is written because the teacher has not considered how she is using the board .
15 However , if the council has not acted properly it may be possible to get the Local Government Ombudsman to investigate whether there has been maladministration .
16 ‘ Although he feels his job is secure in spite of forthcoming local government reorganisation , he has not forgotten how his brief spell of unemployment affected him .
17 The feelings of contentment run deep ; Monica Dickens has finally put down her roots .
18 Ian Stewart has finally sorted out his millions from his billions
19 By " special constructions " we mean in particular cumulative lists of adjectives as in ( 12 ) , where , however , the order may be explained by the quite general if ill-defined tendency to leave " heavy " constituents to the latest possible point , as in ( 13 ) : ( 12 ) policies foreign , social and educational ( 13 ) that salesman has just come back who kept getting in the way when you were trying to vaccinate the ewes last week Postnominal associatives may also just possibly be admitted in constructions expressing sharp opposition : ( 14 ) scientists nuclear but not biological The latter type , however , is at best questionable ; and , as a good general rule , we may say that associative adjectives do not normally occur in postnominal position .
20 Fry , sacked only 10 days ago , has somehow patched up his differences with chairman Stan Flashman and will take over his old job for the game against Rochdale today .
21 When ‘ A Travelling Correspondent ’ in the 1870s asked why Shoreditch needed a Tabernacle , he answered ‘ because a man has lately settled there who , as a preacher of the Gospel , can attract a full house ’ .
22 If I just can explain first er , Sergeant has already point out my Lord .
23 The Law Society has already stepped up its drive to improve the quality of other areas of criminal defence work by publishing ‘ The Magistrates ’ Court — A Guide To Good Practice In The Preparation of Cases ’ .
24 Piggott , in fact , has already defined why he will continue riding in one of those pithy sentences that , from him , represents a flight of high oratory .
25 Now what I 'm proposing to do is to issue a revised programme in respect of the afternoon session this afternoon , which will take in some of the business that er has has already fell off which would be at the end of the private session this afternoon so we 'll try and get in er rule twenty Regions in their Manage and their Management which will take in three motions , thirty six , thirty seven and forty and then we 'll turn , hopefully , to the Social Security Payments Resolutions , you 'll remember that they fell off , composite two eight three , motions three seven nine , three eight five and three eight six .
26 Scotland has already phased out its only Magnox plant which occupied part of the Hunterston site and won acclaim as the world 's most efficient nuclear reactor when it was operating .
27 It has already made up its mind what kind of literature the Bible is .
28 Besides , I think Miles has already made up his mind . ’
29 The Mecca Leisure Group has already set up its own travel company to cater for and organize this kind of holiday , and others are likely to follow suit .
30 By the time she 's thirty — and Eleanor was thirty in spite of appearances — a woman has usually picked up her share of married men .
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