Example sentences of "have [pron] [been] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I ca n't remember what Natasha looks like , has she been to your party ?
2 Well Ken , has it been worth it ?
3 How has it been for yourself , obviously you 've been here with your children , your husband 's been away for more than a month , in Iraq , there must have been er terrible thoughts going through you mind at certain times ?
4 Has he been on it ?
5 Has he been in it ?
6 I was met by a very respectful group of Gordon Highlanders when I visted Aberdeen recently , when I said that I would have been on the line as well had I been in their position .
7 It may be that Britain has overemphasised the potential benefits of free trade ; that she has actually benefited from the protectionist philosophy which permeates the EEC ; that being a member of a cohesive new power bloc is what has counted ; that the ‘ fight ’ with the Americans over agricultural matters is a case in point ; that had she been on her own , Britain would have been trampled over by her cousins on the other side of the Atlantic .
8 Had he been on his own , Harry thought as he drove out of Melton Mowbray market town towards Saxby , he would have taken Mrs Appleby with him to Maythorpe House .
9 There is so much of Keats that he admired — his pugnacity , his social concern , his gusto , his direct presentation of the moment 's phases of mind and moods of temperament — that one becomes aware of the impress of Thomas 's own mind and experience through his comments on Keats : ‘ Because he was then in the midst of his greatest period , and had to find vent for the pressure of poetry within him , he had to live away from Fanny Brawne , at Shanklin and Winchester : had he been near her long , at this time , love and poetry together , not to speak of the ‘ hateful literary chit-chat ’ of Hampstead , would have been insupportable .
10 Had he been in his place on Tuesday , when my right hon. Friend made the opening speech on the Loyal Address , he would have heard him say that the Government would introduce a measure to deal with the young thugs , as my hon. Friend calls them , who indulge in joyriding , a practice which hon. Members in all parts of the House deplore ; those young people will , therefore , be offending .
11 He would not have bought it had he been by himself but Maidstone assured him it was the right choice — ‘ Absolutely first rate , dear fellow . ’
12 Or had it been between them , or only in her own highly tuned emotions ?
13 What have I been to him ? ’
14 Have you been to their camp yet ? ’
15 Have you been to your mam 's ?
16 I mean Margaret , have you been to it Cath ?
17 Have you been into their house ?
18 Have you been in them ?
19 Why have you been in your last job for such a long time ?
20 Have you , have you been in your garage yet with sold on , what you can sell and what you ca n't sell ?
21 ‘ And how have you been in my absence , Katherine ? ’
22 Have you been in my handbag ?
23 Cos she said to me the other day , she said have you been in my room and touched ?
24 How long have they been on you ?
25 They been at it , have they been at it again ?
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