Example sentences of "have [art] [noun sg] [pron] will " in BNC.

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1 The teenage girl may guard her space jealously : if she has the chance she will make it uniquely hers , experimenting with posters , plants , and colours .
2 The garden was and still is his paradise and his pride and joy , and whenever Charles has the time he will put on a pair of old trousers , find a spade and get down to some real manual labour .
3 As a reactive enforcement agent ( see ch. 5 , s. iv ) the field man has no idea what will happen during the day — what complaints , what reports of accidents , leaks , or spillages will be telephoned into the area office .
4 When a young couple has a child there will be a re-ranking of priorities — comfort , structure and relationship goals will dominate again as life becomes focused on comfort , structure and relationships .
5 If his new wife has a child I will become like a servant .
6 First , in what may be termed classic jurisdictional fact cases such as ‘ if a furnished tenancy , or resources , etc. , exist , you may … ’ the courts well presume that the term , if it is classified as a jurisdictional fact , has a meaning which will be determined by the judiciary and not by the public body .
7 When the meeting has a chair who will exert strong control , put yourself clearly in his or her line of vision .
8 Every time she has a birthday it will bring back memories .
9 Now why have we not had an inquiry which will bring out what happened in the case of B C C I so we can base proper and effective regulation er on that er in i in in in in inquiry .
10 If you do not have the substance you will fail , even with the help of ‘ media coaches ’ and ‘ image creators ’ .
11 The magisterial pronouncement of Sir George Macdonald on the Antonine Wall has now been overthrown by the brilliant study of the samian by Brian Hartley ( 1972 ) , and the work at Carpow and other Severan sites will help to stabilize the dating of the pottery of this period , so with more revisions and adjustments , we may eventually have a framework which will endure , but only possible since all the groundwork had been so carefully prepared .
12 The corresponding trees are shown in Fig. 8.6 but it should be remembered that non-basic variables can also have a positive We will use the same initial BFS as in Section 8.2 , but the method of constructing an initial BFS described in Section 8.3 can be modified to produce a good ( low cost ) feasible , or nearly feasible ( few infeasible variables ) , solution .
13 The National Association of Funeral Directors , may shortly have a scheme which will cover funeral costs .
14 ‘ Whatever you do , I will support you , ’ he wrote in 1927 , ‘ and if you want to have a talk I will meet you at Annecy at lunch any day you care to name … ’
15 ‘ She 'll be safe enough , but I 've a feeling it will be a long job to get her back on an even keel .
16 Hopefully Rocky will be playing but I 've a feeling it will be Hodge .
17 ‘ I 've no doubt you will , ’ said Toby .
18 And I 'm sure you 've had a bit of thought about it , I 'm glad you 're see it there er and the whole lot is a blessed mismatch , it 's nothing to do with us though I do thank you Mr for the help you wish to give me , the Duke of Westminster and the Duke of Rutland if this goes through as I said this today because without a doubt the government will listen to what you have to say and I 've no doubt it will be effect .
19 When we have the chance we will camp Lappish style , with lavvus , the wigwam tents made of birch poles and reindeer skins , but tonight we are using a modern lavvu of canvas and aluminium poles .
20 Now that you have the contract you will have seen of course that the commercial exploitation of the data on the tape will be subject to further negotiation between presumably Cristian de Wilde and myself .
21 ’ If you have the operation you will get a sari and money ’
22 If they have the cash they will have the choice .
23 It may not be quite as easy to learn as the manufacturers claim , but if you have the time you will find it to be well worth the effort .
24 It may not be quite as easy to learn as the manufacturers claim , but if you have the time you will find it to be well worth the effort .
25 If you are in this situation and have a friend who will come in for an evening so that you can go out , accept their offer for both your sakes .
26 You do n't know me , my name is Jimmy Cricket , I think I have a story which will , you will find desperately interesting , would you like to come and interview me ? ’
27 ( a ) Suppose we have a computer which will accommodate a matrix of order m , but we require to reciprocate a larger matrix A of order n where
28 If you have a pre he 's actually said to me if you have a problem I will listen and I will help you , so there 's me going to him and saying look due to a misunderstanding I have a problem and this one saying tough
29 Saltburn are confident that in new professional Mukund Parmar they have a player who will get them lots of runs and wickets .
30 Bookings are only accepted however , from groups of people who have a leader who will be responsible for them .
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