Example sentences of "have [adj] of those [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There are 112 postal areas in the UK and Oak Marketing already has 22 of those areas covered .
2 NICOLA Hall has one of those biographies which read a little like the Hollywood notion of the musical prodigy .
3 ‘ A woman in the next neighbourhood has one of those coils inside her , ’ said someone at a village meeting called by family planning workers in Bangladesh .
4 ‘ We 've had enough of those bikers ’ — SAY VILLAGERS
5 Now I 've had two of those rest days prior to all this so I would be owed a fortnight 's holiday pay plus three rest days .
6 The pieces we loaned made up the ‘ influence of ’ section , with each piece was a particularly rare and important example of Japonisme as applied to domestic silver , and we shall have some of those pieces displayed for sale at this year 's fair .
7 And you will have all of those documents before you leave on Wednesday .
8 Mrs Carrow would have one of those panic attacks at the very thought .
9 Tony and I contemplate the likelihood that on this Scandinavian plane we will have one of those stewardesses you see in the adverts — — all blonde hair and curves .
10 You can have one of those things before you die .
11 Can we have one of those things ?
12 We could have one of those things like in Saint Trinian 's ca n't we ?
13 I 'll have one of those Shel .
14 Maybe we shall have one of those text book days of gentle ripple , high cloud and blue sky .
15 In a tone-unit of more than one syllable , the tonic syllable must have one of those tones .
16 Yeah , something stupid , and they knocked on the door , do you know what I mean , the most kids it 's like , it 's hiya Matthew , hi aunty , they knock on the door , I want to play with Hannah , I want to play with Matthew , Mat has , Mat has got to go out and play with them , and it 's my Milky Bar you ca n't not can I have one of your sweets Mat , my mother said I , I can have one of those sweets .
17 James , stop hit , hey , stop it , now , oh , are we gon na have one of those days where you go around beating up your brother and sister ?
18 I ca n't have a , I ca n't have one of those lollies
19 I think I 'll have to have some of those rawplugs cos I 'm running out of matches .
20 Yes that 's pretty near the truth being nasty to you now Do you want to have some of those chipsticks then ?
21 There was movement below me and I remembered that I was in the upper berth of a two-tier bunk and Iain had one of those wristwatches with a built-in alarm .
22 She had one of those CND badges on .
23 The ticket hall had one of those systems where you take a number from a machine by the door and wait for it to appear above one of the ticket windows .
24 We had one of those leagues at uni last year and it was immensely popular to the extent that they banned it because the memory banks of the system were chock a block with it and it kept causing the system to crash .
25 However , on Saturday he had one of those games when little went right for him and as a result the pack rarely got up a good head of steam .
26 Actually it is a debate about personal conscience Last night I had one of those phone calls that we 've all been getting erm the guy on the other end apologised for not being one of my constituents erm , I said it probably was n't his fault .
27 They just had one of those days when everything came off for them .
28 Clearly Crusaders had one of those days in-form teams dread .
29 I had one of those yoghurts last night , and they are so nice .
30 They had one of those gyroscopes you can go in and you can spin round .
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