Example sentences of "have [verb] to it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He can laugh about it now , and has referred to it in many speeches since to very good effect ; but at the time it hurt .
2 Standard English today differs from local dialects not only in permitting the expression of complex relationships in familiar written forms , but also in the astonishing wealth of vocabulary which has accrued to it through its intellectual and imperial history .
3 He will shift very rapidly between different representations of the equipment ; the thing itself , his maintenance instructions , the manual , the drawings of the system , verbal discussion with a colleague , his recollection of what has happened to it in the past and so on .
4 What has happened to it in the course of its life ?
5 Will it only learn the song of its own species or will it learn any tape recorded song it may have played to it during its memorizing phase ?
6 Chair , could I make , could I suggest maybe that in future when you ask organisations you make it harder for getting a license for street collection , that you tell them that you 'll want to know exactly the proportions , but I mean put it back on to them , rather than be you having to bother to it in the future .
7 Ptolemy ranked it as of the first magnitude , and seems to have referred to it as ‘ the Last of the River ’ ; from Alexandria he could not see Achernar , though Acamar was visible low over the horizon .
8 In order to gain acceptance for their interpretation of educational problems , researchers , administrators and politicians usually find it necessary to ‘ explain' the problem ; to pinpoint the processes which appear to have led to it in such a way as to make the remedy appear obvious .
9 This exhibition had received little attention in the press , though l'Autorité and Paris Journal had referred to it as an ‘ exhibition of Fauves and Cubists ’ no doubt through a confusion of terms , but also partly because this seemed the only way of describing the manifold tendencies represented , which were as divergent as at Brussels .
10 In the past , when his thoughts had turned to it as a young boy 's thoughts will , his body had n't followed his mind .
11 She could see that she had got to it at last .
12 In September 1715 , immediately after the death of Louis XIV , the Parlement of Paris had restored to it by the Regent , the Duc d'Orléans , the right of remonstrance which allowed it to impede royal legislation .
13 Nevertheless he did not base his decision upon section 25 , but held that the sellers ' lien was defeated because the sellers , who knew in advance of the sub-sale , had assented to it in a way that indicated their intention to forego the lien .
14 During the postwar period the idea of democracy also came to be expressed in new terms — differing profoundly from the restrictive meaning which Schumpeter , Weber and others had imparted to it through its association with the idea of citizenship .
15 When they dined together at the Perroquet in March 1951 , they talked among other things about ‘ British painting and what had happened to it since the high hopes of the war ’ .
16 How lovely it would be to find the garden , and see what had happened to it in the last ten years !
17 The medium had been too strong for them , they had taken to it like aborigines to the bottle .
18 On the other hand , there does seem to have been the option for the Court of Appeal to complete its unfinished business and dispose of the arguments that B had put to it in his original appeal .
19 How can anyone be so arrogant as to talk about this Creature , this Thing , as if they knew It , as if they had just had a letter from It or had chatted to It over the phone , when the It can not be conceived , understood , described , or even proved to exist .
20 ‘ How many people have referred to it as theatre or television of the mind ?
21 The Monopolies and Mergers Commission may , under the Fair Trading Act 1973 , have referred to it by the Director of Fair Trading or a Minister for investigation and report whether a monopoly , as defined , is or is not against the public interest .
22 nineteen thousand three hundred people have objected to it on petition .
23 You 're hurting , and I have added to it with my stupidity .
24 This is an unreal place to be , because if you ca n't talk to other women , yet you believe all women must in the end come to separatism , then either those women have to be born separatist or they have to come to it through isolation , pain and struggle .
25 Put another way , the more the teacher is explicit about what behaviour is wanted , the less opportunity the pupils have to come to it for themselves and make the underlying knowledge or understanding their own .
26 Traditionally people — some people — have retreated to it in search of spiritual solace .
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