Example sentences of "have [verb] [indef pn] at all " in BNC.

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1 There is a violent undercurrent in our society which has got nothing at all to do with football and where football must n't be complacent is to provide the opportunities at its matches to allow that undercurrent of violence to manifest itself .
2 I did n't want to tell her I 'd done nothing at all so I told a sort of white lie — said I was halfway through the first draft .
3 ‘ Anna should have said nothing at all .
4 This came out with more bravado than Sally-Anne really felt , and had she seen him more clearly before she intervened she might not have said anything at all .
5 You might have felt nothing at all .
6 Agreement on this suggestion would bring the meeting to a close , and most of those present would not have to do anything at all about the wretched book .
7 I mean , ten years ago , maybe twenty years ago , I would n't have known anyone at all that had been millionaires .
8 Only those who were sufficiently moved by piety or curiosity to go on a pilgrimage to the celebrated shrine of Santiago de Compostella , on roads which took them through Aquitaine , can have learned anything at all about the land which was to be the chief concern of Richard 's life .
9 We do n't have to say anything at all , if talking makes you nervous .
10 Considering that the New Critics seem to have known nothing at all about the work of the Formalists and their successors ( it is not mentioned at all , for instance , in Wimsatt and Brooks 's Literary Criticism : A Short History of 1957 ) , these affinities are really very striking .
11 Or possibly she had seen nothing at all , and it was pure fantasy .
12 Which reminded her that they had done nothing at all about the shooting .
13 Unless you offer positive alternatives you do more harm than if you had done nothing at all .
14 He spent many hours of darkness , sweating lightly in spite or the autumn and early winter cold , wishing some of his replies unsaid , and wishing above all that he had said anything at all after the examiner 's last remark .
15 On the other hand , I 've got nothing at all against backing the scum.That way , if they lose and the bet does n't come up , you 're still happy anyway because they 've been beaten , and if they are going to win , you might as well make some money out of it .
16 We , we 've got the how you can help section here , but we 've got nothing at all about what the charity does and how it does it , yes we need some appropriate words for getting the idea that they 're helping children .
17 You 've got nothing at all ?
18 Not that I 've got anything at all against them getting out and about a bit now , ’ he added hurriedly , not wanting another Grimma on his hands .
19 Medieval town planners , as many cities further north bear witness , would have provided a more sensible plan if they had provided one at all .
20 They claim that this age is far worse than previous ages , and they go on as though they had learned nothing at all from history — and yet history is the great teacher of life ( magistra vitae ) .
21 Until now it had meant nothing at all , but now she really knew what it meant .
22 If he had drunk anything at all , it had left him .
23 He asked if Anna had mentioned anything at all about her attacker that might prove useful to him .
24 ‘ Now stay where you are , boy , while I test you on your spelling to see if you 've learnt anything at all this past week .
25 Therefore it is nonsense for the Opposition to claim that we have done nothing at all about the problems of retraining .
26 ‘ Very sick , and it 's got nothing at all to do with the sea . ’
27 Love 's got nothing at all to do with it , love 's a stupid joke , God , how he 'd laugh at me .
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