Example sentences of "have [verb] [adv prt] [prep] her " in BNC.

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1 Although that information would 've come out with her salary would n't it ?
2 When she has shuffled back behind her counter I nod at Jamie 's pile of food .
3 There is a beautiful little iron-grey mare here that Alejandro has frightened out of her wits and says is too wet for polo .
4 Jane has looked up from her papers .
5 Her daughter Anna is now ten and has moved up to her next school .
6 But what she forgot as she jogged on the spot was that even though time might have stood still for her , it has moved on for her 31-year-old husband Slim Jim McDonald .
7 Jomeo is endearingly accident-prone and forever unsuccessful with females ; Gigi , by contrast , is wildly popular with the opposite sex and has made up for her childlessness by becoming a universal aunt to other females ' babies .
8 Twice she has got out of her room at night , as you know .
9 The bullet in the groin at the end of Lipstick may be cathartic , and we may take a certain ghoulish delight in watching Farrah Fawcett in Extremities debate whether to bury alive in the garden the attempted rapist she has tied up in her house .
10 Coronation Street 's Audrey has walked out on her husband Alf , but actress Sue Nicolls thinks she could be making a big mistake .
11 Light dawns on the small Year Niner 's face as she hastens to explain that the stain on the front of her school blouse is jam that has squirted out of her break-time doughnut , and not blood at all .
12 Yeah , she 's great — she has split up from her husband and works for her and the kids , a really independent woman who 's been messed around by men and is now looking after herself .
13 Claire has gone back to her knitting .
14 SCREEN beauty Daryl Hannah has signed up for her biggest role yet .
15 ‘ And so on — sympathetically , yet also with the indefinable remoteness of a woman speaking to someone , once close , who has faded out of her life .
16 Tiny little thing that he is ! ’ ) has faded out of her life as smoothly as he shimmered in and left her a Cartier pen which she seems to have mislaid .
17 ‘ She 'll be here in an hour or so , when she has dried off from her boat trip with Polidori .
18 The big lattice-patterned bed in Guy 's room brought back the moment when he 'd marched in on her unannounced that first night .
19 The way he 'd looked down at her breasts so suddenly in that lift … oh , God , it made her tremble with heat and excitement just to remember it .
20 Cara nodded , and elatedly went on to tell them that she had heard , only that morning when she 'd looked in at her office to check her post before driving up to Cheltenham , that she 'd pulled off an interview with none other than Vendelin Gajdusek .
21 Oh Jesus , Sam , she was everybody 's Aunt Jemima , if she 'd turned up with her hair in a bun and flour on her apron she could n't have made them love her more , Jesus , Sam , we 're not guilty .
22 Ever since he 'd turned up in her bedroom several nights before , he really had become her shadow , staying constantly by her side .
23 And shortly after the daylight found him , he was pensively studying a box of a dozen contraceptives that he 'd turned out of her soapcase .
24 She 'd crept out through her bedroom window , but she 'd left half a dozen coarse blonde hairs behind her , flickering on the damaged flyscreen wire , like evidence .
25 She thought she could in the end be legitimized , be more than just the girl who had married the first man who came along in order to get away from home : daughter of a mother who 'd shacked up with her own mother 's boyfriend at that own mother 's unconscious behest — and had thereby had her life negated forever .
26 She had no sympathy for the rich , spoiled girl who 'd walked out of her room and disappeared .
27 It was mostly soft grass and woodchips here , and she 'd stepped out of her shoes and was now carrying them , walking barefoot .
28 It was incredible that I 'd ended up in her kitchen , too , because she was the perfect person for me to cry on — and she , knowing me from way back when , was a phenomenal comfort to me , explaining so much I did n't know about the Jewish way of death , about the absence of hell , about the soul .
29 His reaction had bewildered her , but she did n't want to dwell on it , because she knew that she would inevitably end up spending the entire evening thinking of him , and then feeling frustrated and angry with herself for having given in to her private weakness .
30 What right did he have to come back into her life like this , trying to shatter it into little pieces that could n't be put back together for a second time ?
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