Example sentences of "have [verb] [to-vb] for [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 And however much she loves her mother , the daughter who has undertaken to care for her in her old age is , in some instances , taking on one of the toughest and loneliest jobs on earth .
2 Customs will usually take the point if the landlord has failed to account for it to them .
3 And we 'd got to pay for it which was usually another five bob .
4 He showed me the location of Bentwaters in the old AA Book of the Road I always carried and then bought the two ounces of Red from me at four times what I 'd agreed to pay for it .
5 If I 'd tried to run for it .
6 But none of it was true — she 'd only said it to cover her own growing confusion , a confusion she now realised had come out of what she 'd begun to feel for him .
7 She was giving herself another two years , then it would have had to start for her , the conventions and the frills .
8 If you asked him what he 'd rather have — a night wi ’ a pretty lass or a day wi' a Rolls-Royce engine , I think he 'd have had to toss for it .
9 You should have offered to pay for it .
10 This is the third time tonight that I 've come to look for you .
11 But its possession , the sight and weight of it on her key ring , had come to symbolize for her the certainty and the trust of their friendship .
12 Our end of the village has thought long and hard for a couple of weeks about John Major 's new honours system and we 've decided to go for it .
13 Benny was going to be able to go to University College , Dublin , to study for a BA degree because her parents had saved to pay for her .
14 She had promised to sing for them later in the evening if she was n't too tired .
15 Svend Larsen had told him that the farm was becoming vacant and had offered to negotiate for it on the Colonel 's behalf , the islanders not wanting incomers to buy up farms for weekend occupation only .
16 If you want to be anyone or get anywhere , you 've got to go for it here . ’
17 ‘ We 've got to go for it .
18 This is my second time around and I 've got to go for it .
19 that , if you leave and that car comes and signals left , it means that you 've got to wait for it to go in , in case it does n't you know what I mean .
20 Yes , I want to leave early tomorrow , because I 'm , I 'm not going to rush for a train , I do n't want to be caught thinking oh the last train to Stow Market goes at four o'clock and I 've got to run for it I got to be prepared to miss the train .
21 We 've got to pay for them first .
22 Very big , and also for the West Germans , because they 've got to absorb these sixteen million or so new er citizens and they 've got to pay for them until they pay for themselves , and meanwhile they 've got to carry various international costs , especially payments to Russia for the Russian troops who are going to stay on for three or four years , and pay for them to withdraw and pay to build barracks for them in , in Russia so that they can withdraw .
23 in this private in this country does n't mean that you 've got to pay for it , it does mean that you 've got to pay for yourself , but its not like obligatory , so you might as well get the money you can , if you that , at that , at that standard are n't , had n't you really ? , if you can get that money , you 'd be thick not to go for it
24 Yeah , you 've got to sign for it .
25 this is what I 'm fighting for , I 'm fighting for equal rights , and I 'm fighting to get more women into further education cos I think it 's it 's a very basic that we all need to go into and it 's hard , and the openings are n't there women to go into , you 've got to fight for it , yeah !
26 There 's nothing worse than being in a foul temper and knowing that it 's only you , you 've got to blame for it .
27 Her pains , which had started long before a frightened Rose , acting as an amateur midwife , had thought to send for him , had stopped — a bad sign .
28 unless the local printer 's very cleaver somehow and got that advertising to sponsor er the booklet they 've had to charge for it .
29 Because we 've had to wait for them
30 You 've had to wait for me I 'm afraid .
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