Example sentences of "have [verb] [pos pn] [noun] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 Age Concern England has updated its factcard which gives basic statistical information about older people in the UK , covering areas such as population structure , income , housing , mobility , and health .
2 Labour has opposed our measures which have led to stiffer sentences , it would shackle the police with political controls and its answer to rising crime is to blame everyone except the criminal .
3 The navigator of a ship or plane has to tell his captain what direction to steer to reach his destination .
4 I also recall that at least on one or two occasions , he 'd dyed his hair which was almost unheard of in the early 60's .
5 Then I found her outside the kitchen door , crying , she 'd lost her shoes what with one thing and another and she was too ashamed to come back into the house .
6 On the whole we were an abstemious lot , but when the depression began to bite into salary rises during the early 30s , and escalating prices made living all the more precarious , some of us wondered if Tom Miller might have paid his staff what they felt to be their well-earned incremental increases by accepting a few extra advertisements .
7 He is said to have sent her letters which have become ‘ increasingly sexual in tone ’ , and to have phoned and visited the family 's Golders Green house .
8 This was met with a reply of condonation , that 's to say his behaviour in Reno had demonstrated that he had forgiven his wife whatever actions on her part had forced him to seek a divorce in the first place .
9 I had never been able to do that , not with such unselfconscious pleasure , perhaps because deep down I had resented his existence which was preventing me doing all the marvellous things I had intended to do in the world .
10 As a result Shildon had given her tasks which ought to have been easy .
11 The organ grinder , however , did not have time to answer , because the drunken women had pushed his organ which began to roll down the hill .
12 Every community , every tribe , had produced its leaders whose pronouncements , conspicuous wealth , bodyguards , cruelty , education and private armies proved more efficacious than any electoral appeal .
13 there were four people at the last meeting er and two others from the department a male and a female who looked after the bits of the department but I can not now remember what their names were let me just see if I 've got my notes which were written on the inside of a British Airways flight ticket come in , hi ya
14 I mean I 've got your address which is erm is here , am I missing any part of the address ?
15 But when you spend it when you 're spending your income you 're not accumulating your capital , so this person in five years time , although they 've had their income which may vary between seven and thirteen percent , their ten thousand is still ten thousand pounds , and obviously that would have devalued in real terms against inflation , which is the other problem .
16 We 've had our spats which have lasted a few months , but if anything , I think that sort of thing strengthens a friendship .
17 I ca n't tell you till we 've had our meeting what we 're gon na decide .
18 Pamela Churchill had to leave their house which she had to lease out to others to get income from the rent .
19 Rescue services arrived to find the men had abandoned their boat which was sinking and were stranded on rocks cut off by a rising tide .
20 Mandeville , however , had finished his search which proved just as fruitless as the previous day 's and told us to leave .
21 He had taken her number which he handed to the officer .
22 Then I asked , as we were going to go from century to century , if I could be allowed to collect a few bits of paraphernalia as we went along — odd little items that had taken my fancy which would then turn up in other stories .
23 ‘ Now that you 've expressed your condolences what about the Fraser girl ? ’
24 He further complained about the matron , who had lost her key which he subsequently found in the door of the laundry , and ‘ seven women busily engaged among the clothes ’ .
25 ‘ But I felt that the fine was harsh and I had to defend my integrity which has now been upheld . ’
26 Derry had an average population density of twenty-five per acre , compared with towns that had extended their boundaries which had average densities of twelve per acre or less .
27 I knew I had to tell my wife what was happening , but I did n't know how she would react .
28 These are the kinds of outlook which , from the sexual angle , have made our society what it is .
29 And when he comes home he calls to gather his friends and his neighbours saying to them , rejoice with me for I have found my sheep which was lost !
30 For I have found my sheep which was lost .
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