Example sentences of "have [verb] [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 To do this , the researcher has to remain detached from the group at the same time as becoming a member of it .
2 Leeds has has grown as a financial centre over the last four or five years , probably more than any other city outside London .
3 Jip tells of something he has seen written on a wall : ‘ If the human brain was simple enough for us to understand we 'd be so simple we could n't ’ ( 88 ) .
4 ‘ Now he has got fascinated by the paper as well , he 's made it look like a field of bridal veils , but it 's going to be difficult to keep it in place when we move it at night .
5 Economically , the underclass has become separated by a rebuttal from the labour market , combined with a Government policy to prevent the products of economic growth being shared amongst all sections of the community .
6 Ever since the Renaissance , but particularly since the Enlightenment of the eighteenth century , Western culture has become imbued with a humanistic and a libertarian spirit .
7 Perhaps , not surprisingly , in a short space of time life skills training has become detached from the wider objectives associated with liberal humanist education : the point being that teaching young people about society has been replaced by criteria designed to alter their relationship with it .
8 ‘ Sadly the North-East has become noted for a new and unpleasant form of crime , so-called ram-raiding , ’ said Mr Tebbit .
9 Mr Tebbit said : ‘ Sadly the North-East has become noted for a new and unpleasant form of crime , so-called ram-raiding .
10 In the case of many other states parties , the Convention has become incorporated into the domestic law , thus discharging a primary rather than a secondary function ( i.e. coming into operation only in the event of a failure of domestic remedies ) .
11 ‘ Women 's Lib ’ has matured and has become incorporated into the language and into the superficial behaviour of most self-respecting liberal socialists .
12 Volcanic bombs can be composed of either lava , or of preexisting rock which has become incorporated into the magma in the neck of a volcano .
13 Within France , the issue has become absorbed into the debate over the forthcoming referendum on the Maastricht treaty , with opponents claiming that an EC single market would result in France becoming the " dustbin of Europe " .
14 Nuclear power , once thought to be a way to buy time while fixing all of the above problems , has become discredited following the Chernobyl disaster .
15 Over the years that The Women Artists Slide Library has been collecting and documenting the work of women artists it has become sensitised to the many issues around health and disability .
16 What really happened has become over-printed by the fiction .
17 ‘ Our philosophy has become emasculated by the anxiety to propitiate deterministic sciences .
18 But more than that , John has become rated as the man for the big occasion .
19 But more than that , John has become rated as the man for the big occasion .
20 No , nor had I , but anyone who has ever lost young fish when they have been mashed up by an impeller , or lost the impeller itself when it has become fouled by a hard foreign body , will appreciate the advantages .
21 The former take little account of the latter although much of the HMI 's thinking has become known over the same period i.e. the late 1970s and early 1980s .
22 By providing welfare benefits , recipients may become less reliant on self-help and more dependent on the state , entering what has become known as a dependency culture or benefit culture .
23 Since growing up in Swinbrook , EV Thompson has become known as a best selling author of historical romances .
24 Paradoxically , in most years the outcome of the Defence budgetary process is under-rather than overspending , and this is not because the accounting officers fear the wrath of Parliament , but because of what has become known as the ‘ Bow-Wave Phenomenon ’ , illustrated in figure 3 .
25 The school is a snapshot of the American West , the great swath of the Plains between the Missouri River and the Rockies that makes up one fifth of continental America but which in the last generation has become known as the Empty Quarter , or the Dying Heart of the US .
26 Spasticity , which comes from the word ‘ spasm ’ , has become known as the common term for the whole range of cerebral palsy handicaps but the three forms are significantly different .
27 This movement has become known as the Renaissance in the English-speaking world , the Rinascimento in Italy .
28 Several parish and community councils have given themselves the status of a town council , whereupon the chairman of the parish council has become known as the town mayor .
29 The monitoring network has become known as the radioactive incident monitoring network ( RIMNET ) and has , as its prime responsibility , the detection of abnormal increases in radiation levels within the UK of the kind that might arise from an overseas nuclear accident .
30 It turned out that a mathematically-respectable ‘ electroweak ’ theory required three exchange particles for the weak force : two electrically charged particles , W+ and W- , and a third neutral partner which has become known as the Zo .
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