Example sentences of "have [verb] [pers pn] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I mean , a hundred and fifty a week — that 's as much as I 'd 've expected you to get for actually acting . ’
2 Everything about it has helped me to grapple with the intricacies of machine knitting in this , my second year .
3 In fact , as Lévi-Strauss has helped us to recognize in his distinction between ‘ nature ’ and ‘ culture ’ , it is in all likelihood a universal human obsession .
4 My brother , you see , has persuaded me to stay in Town , a further ten days at the least . ’
5 No doubt you 've both already discussed this and she has persuaded you to go against my wishes ? ’
6 Someone has to experience it to know to the full how you feel .
7 So it looks as if you , people 's emotions have been tuned in such a way , that mothers look on these situations from their point of view and feel happy about it , and offspring like you look at it from their point of view and feel unhappy about it , and your emotions are the way the evolution has equipped you to deal with these problems .
8 ‘ George has told me to look after my weight .
9 H This Contract shall represent all the terms agreed between the parties hereto and the buyer hereby admits that no statement made by the seller or his agent has induced him to enter into this Contract except written statements , if any , made by the seller 's conveyancers .
10 Her career so far has been in publishing , and , following the birth of her son James in 1982 , this has enabled her to work from home .
11 ‘ And now it 's a wonderful feeling to know that it has enabled me to look at the top guys knowing there are only a few ahead of me .
12 His supporters say his energy has enabled him to succeed to a large extent in holding the Palestinian movement together during a series of splits and crises .
13 Thirdly , the Bill has received all-party support , which has enabled us to deal with it in the current Session .
14 This has enabled us to progress from cave dwellers to the point where we can ask about the ultimate theory of the universe .
15 , production manager at the UK company , part of Courtaulds Packaging , said : ‘ It has enabled us to focus on areas of development for each individual in a controlled way .
16 Now the the annual assembly has challenged us to engage in what is called integrated trading .
17 In response , however , Polycarp turns to the crowd in the amphitheatre and shouts out the words which the Proconsul has invited him to repeal as if they applied to the audience in the arena .
18 One has to understand it to live at all .
19 But it is nevertheless considered by Brooks ( 1960 ) that generalisations are necessary when a student 's prior training has conditioned him to require to " know what he is doing " ( River 1964 ) .
20 It is suggested that pupils choose a person whose Christian commitment has led him/her to work for the good of others , thus making a link with the Christian vocation to alleviate suffering and/or the work of Christians in relation to respect for human life ( both indicated in L.0.2 ) .
21 I mention these ignorant reactions only because this book of photographs , bracketed by two brief essays , has caused me to succumb to Frida Kahlo 's strange gaze as her actual paintings , exhibited at the Whitechapel Art Gallery some years ago , never did .
22 It may be that the curiosity of Frederick I having a red beard has caused him to remain in the popular imagination : red-headed men and women have many superstitions attached to them , particularly red-headed kings .
23 He is afraid too much study has caused him to regress to his former state of madness , and urges him to wait until he has regained stability .
24 It has caused you to discover for yourself Margaret Atwood 's definition of metaphor :
25 Erm certainly there are other er comments and statements that have been through the year which er should and has caused us to look at our procedures and to erm make changes where that is appropriate and I would hope that er we would continue to do so .
26 ‘ My father has asked me to talk to you on a certain matter .
27 Cool as you like , Paul bloody Lexington has asked me to sit in the wings for the entire run of this play and feed Micky Banks his lines ! ’
28 Before turning to the detail of the debate , my hon. Friend the Minister of State for Health , who has been present for most of the debate , has asked me to apologise to the House on her behalf for the fact that she could not stay throughout .
29 ‘ He has asked me to apologise to the family of the deceased for his part in the distress that they have been caused , ’ said the lawyer .
30 Your aunt , Mrs Louise Ross , has asked me to write to you , as her eyes are bad .
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