Example sentences of "have [verb] [adv] from him " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You must wish you 'd bought more from him . ’
2 He 'd sought her out in her sanctuary , confirmed her belief with the tender , arousing touch of the perfect lover , and she 'd learned enough from him to return his caresses with a woman 's intimate knowledge of how to pleasure the body of the man she loved .
3 ‘ If Sabine Jourdain could have broken away from him any time she chose , it must be equally true that Durance could have torn himself from those admirers . ’
4 Why else would she have looked away from him to glance idly at the clock ?
5 She would have to keep away from him , but how could she do that , when there was still this job for Adam to be finished ?
6 His hope had been that she might have moved on before the word got around , no chance for gossip and so no awkwardness , but his sense of firm control in that area seemed to have slipped away from him .
7 Now the years had fallen away from him .
8 She might , heaven forbid , allow herself to fall for him , and suffer the fate of the last three nurses whom he had rejected , according to Victoria , after they had expected more from him than just mild flirtation .
9 She had turned away from him and he wondered whether she might have dozed off .
10 He though that we had grown apart from him and he became upset that none of us were around him any more , talking to him any more .
11 Like a ship on a slow tide , she had moved away from him , without either of them knowing until it was too late and the drift could n't be stopped .
12 Moore 's the guilty player Jochim had got away from him and unless the referee decides that there was another defender coming round on the cover there Moores could be in big trouble .
13 His touch was as she remembered it , warm and gentle , but as he gently returned her foot to the ground she again felt shy — absurdly and ridiculously shy , when she could never remember being so taken by shyness before — and she just had to look away from him while she collected herself .
14 She knew why she had pulled away from him the night before — because she could n't allow herself to become remotely interested in him .
15 She had run away from him once already today .
16 Robyn stopped dead in her tracks , hating the panic of the chase — she had run away from him before and look where that had got her !
17 He had loved Arianna and she had run away from him , and now he was judging her by what Arianna had done .
18 How , more than anything , he 'd wanted to tell his family all about her , but how , because Rosemary had shrunk away from him in horror at the very idea , he had given her his solemn promise that , outside this building , her name would never leave his lips .
19 Writing to the Countess of Rutland in 1670 from his ‘ uncouth cell ’ in the Fleet prison , where he had been committed for debt , Crowe was scathing about the quality of the tapestries produced by William , Earl of Craven [ q.v. ] , and his associates who had taken over from him at Mortlake in 1667 .
20 All she knew was that she had to get away from him before she betrayed herself .
21 ‘ I would n't dream of telling you anything ! ’ she flared , and as anxiety , love and all manner of emotions flooded her she only knew she had to get away from him .
22 ‘ Yes , ’ she said , again , as though it were the most reasonable thing in the world , but she saw that her mother looked worried , and that doubtless Papa was behaving as he did because he had been worried about her , his darling , whom he had sent away from him , only to lose her in a foreign country — for that was what Britain was .
23 Neil Cochrane , holding the book in his hands , could not even weep over it ; he was beyond tears , his hand on the page on which his dearest love , whom he had sent away from him with scorn and mockery , had told of her love for him , and the hope and joy which he had given her .
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