Example sentences of "have [verb] you [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 as if the blessed Dorn has marked you out in advance . ’
2 ‘ I 'm not saying you are n't still quite attractive , but you must be creeping into your early thirties , so what you need is security — and that is what has brought you back to Silas .
3 ‘ But the affair went wrong — and that 's what has brought you back across the Tasman .
4 " They must have heard you over in Wabag .
5 I could have let you in for it then , could n't I ! ’
6 ‘ We 'll have to feed you up with a good meal before you go , ’ said Sister Margaret .
7 Er if I was in power I 'd put a tax on every child after two I would have taxed you out of existence Ellen .
8 ‘ If you had asked my mum and dad whether I had it in me to be an actress or singer , they would have laughed you out of town . ’
9 And if you had asked my mum and dad whether I had it in me to be an actress or singer they would have laughed you out of town , ’ said Kylie .
10 They would only have had you in as a last resort . ’
11 ‘ And I should know , having brought you up for twenty-odd years .
12 ‘ Do n't stamp on the Catholics ; else I 'll have to run you in for kicking me mother in the face . ’
13 It would have suited you down to the ground . ’
14 ‘ We may have to send you out to … another hospital … for some treatment .
15 Surely the place would have the mental institution would have set you up with a home or something when you left ?
16 And I 'd have eaten you up with guilt and bitterness first .
17 ‘ He could have followed you back to her house , could n't he ? ’
18 My mother would have thrown you out by now .
19 ‘ I 'll have to ring you back on that ’
20 We could have passed you off as the English rose of our collection , although I trust you have n't the natural frigidity of your British sisters . ’
21 I must have bored you out of your mind . ’
22 ‘ But something else must have started you off on this search .
23 I could have taken you out in my dinghy . ’
24 Michele met her startled glance and explained calmly , ‘ I wanted to make love to you , and I did n't fancy the idea of having to take you back to your own room in the middle of the night to save Rosa 's tender susceptibilities . ’
25 ‘ Mrs Richards , if you wo n't let me call an ambulance , I 'll have to take you through to the sick bay here , and nurse you myself .
26 ‘ Well , get your best friend to take you home , ’ said the first constable , ‘ or we might have to take you down to the station for the good of your health . ’
27 " I shall have to take you back with me to Vienna , dear Tilda , yes , I 'm sorry , I sha n't be able to manage without you , fortunately you 're so small they wo n't miss you here and I can take you for a Glücksbringer . "
28 ‘ Get up and behave yourself or Marie will have to take you back to the nursery , ’ their father ordered .
29 ‘ No , but knowing you , if you go over your limit we 'll have to tie you down before carrying you upstairs to bed . ’
30 It must be serious , to have brought you out on that TV-type chase ?
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