Example sentences of "have [verb] have [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Magwitch reveals himself as Pip 's benefactor and says every penny he has earned has gone to Pip .
2 Any limited success our user network has had has needed to be given the resources to organise independently , and the commitment of senior management to support user involvement .
3 Inevitably , the way in which the project has functioned has evolved in the light of experience and changing circumstances .
4 We hoped that the US medical team whom we supposed would attend him at Wiesbaden , as we 'd heard had happened with other American hostages , would recognize that he needed a long rest .
5 Every penny he 'd saved had gone to getting the key money for this house , over a thousand pounds , and then the four hundred a month rent .
6 My old man said he 's erm , he used to go down to er , every , every sort of six months or so , cos they were in he was in charge of fucking then , he 'd used to have to go on manoeuvre 's about sort of six monthly or something like that
7 He had been uncharacteristically relaxed and jovial during the meal , which had both surprised and pleased Cleo , who 'd anticipated having to apologise for him all the time .
8 Her progress had been one of near-collisions , dodging round cases and people , and just as the gate she 'd wanted had come in sight she had seen Lori and a man passing through .
9 For the next few years American audiences were shown aspects of their society that they could never have expected to have encountered at the movies and it must have struck at least some members of the public that film-going had become a more serious business .
10 Cos that I must say that was the way in which we would have wished to have proceeded with the discussion .
11 So what could she have done to have got around him ?
12 She had stared at him wide-eyed , unseeing , and any desire that he might have felt had died in that instant .
13 Size undoubtedly told against Dennis McBride while Terry Kingston would have needed to have played in all four Internationals .
14 She would have needed to have lain on the floor beside it and leaned into it .
15 ‘ If they wanted to keep out of trouble they would n't have bothered to have come to the police station . ’
16 Andrewes would almost certainly have preferred to have remained at Cambridge as a don , a life for which he was superbly fitted .
17 ‘ I would have had to have come to some arrangement with Janice — separate houses , separate lives — and taken on the job of looking after Kirsty myself , even if it had meant giving up my job . ’
18 EXPANSION IS a worthy label devoted solely to putting out the sort of soul music you might have thought had died with Philadelphia International in the early '80s .
19 I would have thought having worked for Ricky for nearly two years , she might be allowed to evolve her own style . ’
20 I would have loved to have stayed in her Boathouse despite the eight inch snail with head and horns buried in a roll of butter in the larder in the morning and his relatives ‘ who had a provoking way of paying nocturnal visits , and wandered between the wooden walls and the loosely fixed paper that decked the walls … ’ ; the family of mice and the ‘ sagacious hen ’ that laid her eggs in the corner of the hole in the wall designated as a cupboard .
21 I would have loved to have sat in the bar and had a drink but I could n't .
22 She would have loved to have laughed in his arrogant face , but the way she was feeling right now the laughter would have strangled in her throat .
23 At the end Eddie was asked ( now ) what team he 'd have liked to have played for if not Leeds and he said he 'd always followed Celtic 's results .
24 I would have liked to have gone to Venice , where there was a faculty of languages , or Bologna , where I could have read Economics and Commerce ; but the war was on , and the expense of keeping me in a distant town was beyond the means of my parents .
25 He would have liked to have gone to his brother 's funeral but he thought it would only have made matters worse .
26 He was the kind of man Nigel would have liked to have gone on the pick-up with .
27 There can be little doubt that radicals would have liked to have gone beyond the sale of monastic land to a wider offensive against ecclesiastical property .
28 No , I think that we would have liked to have seen more women , I would have liked to have stayed on the Shadow Cabinet , and I would have liked to have seen more women in the Shadow Cabinet , but to say it 's a disaster , and somehow we 've moved away from the path we 've set ourself is simply not the case .
29 Pearce could have done with more than the seven years he had at British Aerospace to achieve the kind of management culture he would have liked to have bequeathed to the company .
30 I would have liked to have checked at once on the state of the horses , but I supposed if there were something wrong with any of them I would hear soon enough .
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