Example sentences of "have [noun] [verb] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 2 Select a patient who has difficulty breathing in the post-operative period .
2 The trust contemplates many benefits for patients , including continuing the systematic assessments and the reductions in institutional accommodation , and has plans to break up the large wards and to increase the staff-patient ratio .
3 Christopher Hill has emphasised how Milton explicitly has Samson bring down the temple on ‘ Lords , ladies , captains , counsellors , or priests , /Their choice nobility and flower ’ ( 11.1653–4 ) allowing the vulgar [ i.e. the common people ] ‘ who stood without ’ to escape .
4 If she ever has time to pop down the post office to get it .
5 She was very religious … had texts hanging on the wall , framed text .
6 Even in the compartment he was explaining to the other half dozen men who had no option but to listen , how the New York Giants would have taken both of them on , one after another , and still have had time to take on the Chicago White Soxs as well .
7 Besides , I had had time to pick up the late edition .
8 Louisa , we should have Ducker get out the stove … roast some chestnuts … mull some wine .
9 You ca n't have Romeo swarming up the balcony in doublet , hose and hearing aid .
10 All of which suggests that Goldman Sachs will not have buyers beating down the door .
11 A Sinhalese member of the Legislative Council thought that magistrates would have difficulties carrying out the spirit of the legislation : ‘ A crowd appears in the Police Court in the morning and unless plaints are presented and the names called out it will be somewhat difficult for the Magistrate to ascertain who are the people who have come to offer plaints and it will depend on some minor Court official or the peons as to who are admitted to the precincts of the Court . ’
12 Meanwhile , the company is bragging that it 's having trouble dumbing down the Alpha chip to make it slow enough to sell against the 80486 .
13 Both machines should have cue/review to speed up the location and setting of edit-points , this being the most time-consuming part of the process .
14 TRAP TWO : Running up big bills on credit cards means you 'll have trouble paying off the full debt when the statement arives .
15 That may be professionally cute but it will not have people talking up the industry in Bewley 's .
16 Cradle swings for younger children would be made of rubberised material and those for older children would have hand grips up the ropes .
17 First , the financial year has just ended and not all the figures are available , Secondly , the department appears to have trouble digging out the relevant information even when it applies to previous years .
18 The Secretary of State specifies which areas of work are covered by this process and has overall powers to call for reports on performance and , if the statutory requirements have not been met , to direct that the offending local authority shall cease to have power to carry out the work .
19 Well I gets him pulled out of the ditch and I brings him down and it 's the time I , I had Sarah boil up the boiler for the pigs .
20 Christianson and Loftus ( 1987 ) had subjects write down the central detail from each slide and Christianson and Loftus ( 1991 ) had them evaluate the affective quality of each slide , both these studies showed results which appeared to be consistent with Easterbrook 's hypothesis .
21 In nineteen seventy Richard Branson was making waves as a young businessman , even then he had aspirations to take on the giants .
22 I had occasion to set up the chunky machine ( this had to go in the bedroom , because of lack of space elsewhere ) .
23 Of course all I needed was a two-minute sit-down and in two and a half minutes I was not only fully recovered and ready to carry on , I had adrenalin pumping out the top of my hat in anger that my man had left me to die .
24 He had half-expected that the response would be a thrust of the long spurs and a head-down gallop for the open , and those ahead had orders to bring down the horse if Isambard tried it ; but instead he stirred gently in the saddle and brought his mount edging forward in obedience to the order , dancing restively past the quivering arrow , and almost abreast of Owen 's hiding-place .
25 ‘ I 've bin totallin' up the bills fer the past month , ’ she told him .
26 Yeah , it had buttons going down the front here
27 We called briefly at Gibraltar where I just had time to walk up the Rock and see the apes .
28 And you have acid coming up the gullet ,
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