Example sentences of "in our [adv] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It is evident that we are once again on the downslope of one of our business cycles in our notoriously cyclical industry ’ .
2 And he wanted to make similar remarks about our initial belief that though we use the same language and agree on the words with which to describe the colours of the objects around us , still we might for all we know see the objects completely differently ; an object that causes in me what I call a sensation of red may cause in you what I would call a sensation of blue , though we can never know this since we will continue to agree on what to say and on how to act in our differently coloured environments ( we will all stop at a red traffic light , for instance ) .
3 She is a Christian which by silly standards should cut her off from the people in our predominantly Buddhist country
4 One of the aims of Compact , however , is to encourage young people to remain in education so that they can acquire the skills and qualifications essential for participating in our increasingly complex society .
5 At most , the systems approach provides a powerful vehicle for the statement of environmental situations of ever-growing temporal and spatial magnitude , and for reducing the areas of uncertainty in our increasingly complex decision making control situations .
6 ‘ Even if such measures are painful and certainly should not be the only way to cut costs , an analysis of the present economic situation in our most important markets leaves no other choice , ’ he said .
7 In our most basic moments these goals are easy to identify , like food or drink .
8 ‘ Red ’ , in the most basic sense , refers to a quality whose true locus is only in the perceptual fields of beings such as ourselves , but which in our most basic conceptualisations of the world we think of as being present more stably in a real world the character of which can clash with the world as immediately presented .
9 I should have sent the drinks back , but instead looked upon them as a windfall in our rather straitened circumstances .
10 As for yearnings for high-fat foods , these are the foods necessary in our very early years to sustain rapid growth .
11 Mr. Anderson : If we are to fill up the beds in our very welcome Holiday Inn in Swansea , we need , as the Secretary of State will be aware , to clean up Swansea bay .
12 I was going to say , when it comes to paragraph five , do you erm suggest that you actually think in terms of church organisations , they 're not mentioned , and I look forward in in paragraph seven one to the seminar , the working seminar that 's going to be in the near future , and I hope that we 'll soon get a date , so that we can get it in our very busy diaries , in the hope that we can come along and learn more about this .
13 This could easily mean that , although both we and bees see bee-orchids , in our very different ways , as bee-like , bees might not see video-screen images at all .
14 We had left behind in Kent two well paid jobs and a nice semi ‘ d ’ with brand new kitchen extension , full rewiring and replastering and new central heating but the thought of living in our very own railway station was enough to put at least my mind at rest .
15 This is reflected in our admiration for people who have made something of their lives , sometimes against great odds , and in our somewhat disappointed judgment of those who merely drift through life .
16 In our rapidly vanishing century , decades are also taken as periods of time to be commemorated .
17 In our relatively small classes , lifetime bonds of friendship and mutual trust are formed , and these contribute to the loyalty of our members to their Institute and the profession .
18 But we in the West can not be too sanguine , because bureaucracy is a major cause of impersonalism in our societies and the most negative aspect of the collective in our essentially individualistic culture .
19 The nightmares and perception of strange smells that we shall see in our more modern writers were as prevalent in mediaeval times : ‘ He dremyth dredful dremes of derknesse and ferdfull to se , and of stynkynge sauoure and smelle . ’
20 We believe the methods and systems we have developed in the management of organisations in our more traditional areas of insurance and pensions can be applied , in principle , to many other business areas .
21 When we reached it the next day , we were disappointed to find that in our more prosaic age they simply open the gates .
22 In our more sceptical age , mystery surrounds especially those crafts which seem to shape our world and deal with matters which seem beyond our control and comprehension .
23 All the doctors are achieving with their uncontrollable itch to boss , patronise and distribute public money is to establish an idiotic certainty in our morally confused age that condoms ought to be free because they are something the government wants us to use .
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