Example sentences of "in our [noun] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 Well erm in our organisation and it was in our submission that we felt that it er it should belong wholly to erm the employer erm it should belong to the beneficiaries as well , because we feel very strongly that the pension is deferred pay , it is deferred salary , and therefore they should have an ownership of part ownership in that fund .
2 Is it possible for the Church of England to proclaim this redemption with integrity and conviction in our day unless it ordains women as well as men as priests ?
3 Yeah well b well what I 'm trying to say and I ca n't emphasise it too strongly is that I do n't want anybody going round like writing another stupid letter to somebody saying that erm you know the reason we 're inundated that it has n't been advertised properly cos I tell you what it 'll come back right in our faces cos it 's our bloody fault Well that 's right well we know that I mean I told them all I told them all quite clearly when I was up in Glasgow that they 'd be quiet for at least a month because p it 'll take time to filter through .
4 If somebody comes up with a suggestion for a change to a procedure , at this meeting , yes you should be looking at what that suggestion for change is but all of you round the table should be thinking , well does that change adversely effect other jobs in our areas and it should n't happen that you will get change after change after change .
5 The B ♭ in the bass must be tied over and held throughout the following bar in our transcription if it is to convey faithfully the composer 's intention .
6 It brought out the best in our members and it brought out the best in the trade union movement .
7 It 's us that promoted and surely if we created the situation it might work in our favour but it I mean it ca n't be very pleasant for other people
8 Now I 'd like to thing that an equal amount of effort can work more in our favour if it happens to be channelled towards a specific competition . ’
9 Fletcher said : ‘ It 's a bit of a pity because he 's certainly one of the players in our thoughts but it 's no great problem I know his capabilities .
10 That 's what 's shameful in our society and it 's only the Labour Party in unison with our movement that can right the wrongs of the past fourteen years .
11 ‘ There are many people who think that water has no taste , ’ I said , ‘ because we were born with it in our mouths and it 's been there ever since . ’
12 We have cocopeat in our flowerpots and it is very good , but there is one drawback Geoff did n't mention .
13 And you and I , perhaps , we can look back to a day in our life when it was our birthday , as far as that is concerned and God filled us with his Holy Spirit , we received the gift of the Holy Spirit , we were baptized in the Holy Spirit .
14 However , such is the power of the executive in our system that it is doubtful whether these new committees can do other than play a rather superior pressure-group role .
15 However , there is little doubt that this phenomenon is a most important one in our species and it can only be explained by assuming that , with the beginnings of hunting , neotenous changes suddenly became adaptive .
16 That was another oft-told story in our family because it must have meant a lot in those days , owning your own house instead of paying rent to a landlord .
17 ‘ It is an investment in our future and it is crucial that we get good returns . ’
18 We have got a ludicrous situation in our estate because it is very quiet .
19 Better maintenance of the border is a central factor in our policy and it is very much at the heart of the arrangements and agreement that we have with the Irish Government .
20 His argument is that the density wave is of a different kind , the so called long wave mode , which propagates from the centre of the Galaxy outward , such a wave pattern rotates much more rapidly than the short wave mode and it just happens that , if this picture is correct , our Solar System is almost exactly at the place in our Galaxy where it orbits at the same speed as the wave ( Astrophysics and Space Science , vol 89 , p 61 ) .
21 So convinced is Saab of the value of air conditioning in our climate that it intends offering it instead of a sun-roof as a no-cost option on other models .
22 See we 've got four phones in our house and it does add up
23 He writes : ‘ It may be that when we ‘ invent ’ the past , especially the lived past , we serve our self esteem by creating an idealized image of our experience , holding it in our heads until it yields measures of virtue' .
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