Example sentences of "in your [noun] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do n't know who you 've got in your morgue back in London , but as you can see they 're not the three men you thought they were . ’
2 In your editorial today on the Budget ( ‘ Good for firms , bad for people ’ ) you referred to the ‘ drastically increased cost of motoring ’ .
3 Ruskin wrote to The Times on ‘ The Turner Gallery ’ , the day after Freeman 's letter and , as a postscript , said : ‘ I wish the writer of the admirable and exhaustive letter which appeared in your columns yesterday on the subject of Mr Scott 's design for the Foreign Office would allow me to know his name ’ .
4 You 'd go you would n't feel it at all , you 'd be in your glory there after after about a month .
5 Double glazing means having two layers of glass in your windows instead of one .
6 So we 've drawn the graph and now we do n't have to keep calcul I mean this is easy it' probably easier to work it out in your head then to especially with these figures .
7 Try saying what is in your heart instead of being so timid . ’
8 I 've put the white & green curtains in your room instead of the beige ones — a great improvement .
9 REMEMBER A misplaced decimal point puts every figure in your answer out of place .
10 My advice to my touch judges on the action to take is ‘ what would you have done if you had the whistle in your hand instead of a touch flag ’ ?
11 You do dangerous things and take them in your stride just for starters .
12 Have you , have you been in your garage yet with sold on , what you can sell and what you ca n't sell ?
13 Naturally , you have a videophone in your pocket just in case .
14 Also , as with most undiscovered places , it wo n't put too big a hole in your pocket even for a fortnight .
15 We said if you want to abuse your bodies , we 're going to take every bloody pound you have in your pocket away with you , with the most modern medical treatment , bowels .
16 These two terminals should never be allowed to short across , which might easily occur if you carry a PP3 in your pocket along with some coins or other batteries .
17 Shows whether you will be penalised if you cash in your mortgage ahead of the term .
18 On the other hand , your reader will be interested in your writing only to the extent that what you say is convincing ; and while a film reviewer or a famous literary theorist may be able to rely on their position or fame to guarantee the authority of what they say , you will need to rely on the quality of your argument .
19 Ny passing every drop of water in your tank regularly through a media of the right type , you will automatically clarify the water by taking out suspended matter .
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