Example sentences of "in some [noun pl] [vb -s] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore if the idea of a first and second wave is to be sustained , then — in Clarke 's , Hall 's and others ' formulations — it must be shown that one wave in some senses follows the other .
2 In many Coleopteran larvae each maxilla carries a single lobe or mala which in some cases represents the gales and in others the lacinia ( Das , 1937 ) .
3 The motivation to achieve at school in the face of what are the deflecting influences of at least some school teachers in some cases takes the form of a challenge .
4 Using the wider kin group as the basis for organizing social and economic life may not be characteristic of contemporary Britain , but some of the groups who have migrated to this country since the Second World War have brought with them , and retained , a pattern of kin relationships which differs from the white British norm and which in some cases includes a preference for cousin marriage .
5 ( This process in some ways parallels the emergence earlier in this century of the smaller civic universities — and some overseas ones — from under the wing of London University . )
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