Example sentences of "in an [noun] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 Satz ( 1977 ) has exposed the folly on probabilistic grounds of inferring right sided speech dominance in an individual with a left-sided ear advantage .
2 Only through his marriage , which for him was unconsciously rooted in an identification with the bereaved , did he create the conditions where it became more difficult to drive out or cut off from the attachment he both yearned for and feared .
3 In July 1989 the Awami National Party ( ANP ) , which had left the administration on April 27 ( see p. 37150 ) , formally joined in an alliance with the IJI .
4 It 's like being in an aeroplane with the pressure building up on your ears .
5 Perceiving the child 's intentions , Nana got up and walked stiffly to the front room , returning in an instant with the curling photograph of Queen Elizabeth from the sugar shelf .
6 According to Nicholas Clee , from the bookseller J Whitaker and Sons in London , any writer planning to embark on such a book would be advised to create a family living in rural bliss with a gaggle of children then land them in a crisis , preferably involving the central character in an affair with an older/younger man/woman .
7 Final Analysis ( 15 , 125 mins ) Implausible psychological thriller from Phil Joanou , starring Richard Gere as a smooth psychiatrist embroiled in an affair with the sister of a patient .
8 If there were , then the last decade and a half of selectionist-neutralist controversies over all these different non-definitional issues could have been settled in advance without recourse to empirical data , in an armchair with a scientist 's glossary and a logician 's truth table .
9 I sat in an armchair with a copy of Punch and pretended to read it , but my eyes kept going back to those lips and that tiny corner of pink tongue and I was in a turmoil .
10 Franz was seated in an armchair with a glass in his hand .
11 But mistaken loan decisions or pricing policies swiftly come home to roost in an organisation with a balance sheet of only a few hundred million .
12 First , in an organisation with an all white or largely white workforce , network recruitment will help to ensure that this stays the case , particularly at a time when large numbers of white workers are unemployed and prepared to re-enter the comparatively poorly paid and less pleasant jobs they deserted in the past few years .
13 Gill will be going on to the Namarroi area to take part in an evaluation with the CCM .
14 We usually engage in an activity with a goal in mind ; we undertake the activity with an aim .
15 The rap comes after Blackburn was involved in an incident with an umpire during a Liverpool Echo Knockout tie while bowling against New Brighton .
16 When the passes were found , each was enclosed in an envelope with a first class frank and a recorded delivery sticker ; the covering letter inside mine was dated 18 September .
17 The practising teacher or school librarian does not have time to go leisurely through pages of details which are poorly printed on A4 which are folded and tucked in an envelope with a disk .
18 In fact it 's sometimes said that it 's one of the very great privileges of the public is that they can , by dint of writing something , and putting it in an envelope with a stamp on it , get it to arrive on an editor 's desk , and have the editor at least give a cursory glance if not a more serious glance at what 's going on , so it 's a privilege and it 's an opportunity in that case .
19 Put in an envelope with the letter
20 But long before this the custom , in an atmosphere with a much lower religious charge than in the past and an age when , for all their obvious defects , standards of international conduct were higher than in the mêlée of the early sixteenth century , had lost any real significance .
21 The account can either be a joint deposit account requiring the signature of both the vendor and the purchaser to release money or it can be placed in an account with an independent trustee .
22 The single-storey building is designed in an oval with a church in the centre , rather like a traditional African village where the chief 's house would be in the middle .
23 That evening , when Tabitha Jute finally set her hand on the battered aluminium doorknob , it was still a cheerfully disreputable establishment , catering to the social needs of those who felt more comfortable doing business in an environment with a degree of sleaze to it .
24 Everyone agreed that the loss of eyesight was a consequence of the animals taking up residence in an environment with no light , but the Lamarckians argued that the inherited effects of disuse provided a better explanation of the process than natural selection .
25 16,000 acres of the moorland in the water catchment area are managed by the RSPB for the conservation of wildlife in an agreement with the owners of the land — Severn Trent Water — and the owners of the shooting rights .
26 I came in an ambulance with a patient — I had to do an emergency tracheotomy before we got to hospital . ’
27 Robert Heslop , 70 , of Tanfield Lea , Stanley , Co Durham , died from head injuries after being in an accident with a police car on Saturday night while crossing a road .
28 AN eight-year-old girl in Bletchley , Bucks , who died in an accident with a DIY store trolley , loaded with chipboard , which overturned and crushed her .
29 Danielle Simpson , six , of Beverley Gardens , Ferryhill , suffered a broken leg and internal injuries in an accident with a motorcycle , in Broom Bank , Ferryhill , yesterday .
30 TO BE alone and without flying experience in an aircraft with a dead pilot is the stuff of nightmares .
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