Example sentences of "in an [noun] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Their initial closure decision was made on three grounds , according to the minutes : the expected financial savings of about £3,000 ; consideration of the good condition and underused capacity of the school building at Green Haven , as opposed to the poor condition of the older building at Village ( whose toilet facilities were located in an out-building at the school ) ; and the Director 's feeling that the ‘ educational situation ’ would be better at Green Haven .
2 Blackpool has only once bought second-hand trams , and then in an emergency at the end of the First World War .
3 These were mainly performed at the places where parts of the body of Osiris were reputed to have been found or buried , which are recorded in an inscription at the late temple of Hathor at Dendera — at Athribis ( heart ) , Busiris ( backbone ) , Memphis ( head ) , Abydos ( head ) and so on , some duplication being apparent .
4 Two guerrilla attacks carried out in La Paz , the capital , on Oct. 10 and early on Oct. 11 resulted respectively in an explosion at a United States Marines residence and the destruction of a monument to United States President John F. Kennedy .
5 Midlands Electricity has been fined more than ( 29,000 ) twenty nine thousand pounds after a contractor was killed in an explosion at a power station .
6 Also in 1975 , four women were among the five people killed in an explosion at a bar in the Short Strand area of east Belfast .
7 Two attacks on Jan. 22 near Trincomalee claimed 38 lives in an explosion at an air force base and in an ambush by LTTE guerrillas , and on Jan. 26 another bomb attack killed eight bus passengers and an air force patrol member .
8 FOUR workmen were burned , three of them seriously , in an explosion at an electricity substation in the grounds of an Airdrie school yesterday , writes Alan Dron .
9 Alarm was followed by confusion after the office of the exiled former president , Abolhassan Bani-Sadr , announced that 20 people had been killed in an explosion at the Tehran residence of Mr Khamenei .
10 One grandmother , remembered as ‘ dressed all day in black silk ’ , had an annual income of £700 from the New River Company , which she ‘ spent in bringing us up ’ to make up for the incompetence of her solicitor son : she would sit all day ‘ upright in an armchair at the side of the fire ’ , opposite to her son 's .
11 Thirty have bedrooms in the Lodge itself , and the rest sleep in an annexe at the back .
12 There are two elements in an election at every level from parish council to national government — environment and organisation .
13 Meet me in an hour at the top of the Opera House , on the tenth floor .
14 ‘ I 'm sure the All Blacks expect six games against Welsh clubs culminating in an international at the Arms Park to be a hard tour .
15 One Vietnamese was killed and four received gunshot wounds in an incident at a foreign workers ' hostel in Sofia on March 17 .
16 The uppers had come completely away from the soles of the toes and the treads had been worn so smooth he had taken a hot knife to them in an attempt at a retread !
17 ‘ Your stepfather was hurt in an accident at the Sakata factory .
18 It had been damaged in an accident at the locomotive works where he had been employed in his youth .
19 One young man said he was told in an interview at the company 's Middlesbrough office : ‘ Be prepared to sit in someone 's house for as long as it takes .
20 The two men met during 1922 , in an office at the American Medical Association where they were introduced by Dr Morris Fishbein .
21 Sitting on a rocking chair in an office at the back , smoking and sipping beer , was a weedy little man with decaying teeth , glimpses of gold fillings , heavily tattooed arms and a cigarette drooping permanently from a weak mouth .
22 Maybe after all he 'd have been better off like his Dad , quietly pushing papers round a desk in an office at the Gas Board for nine hours a day for nearly fifty years .
23 He spent the week sitting in an office at the studio where in the past he had directed at least six feature films .
24 One in an office at the Lucy factory in Jericho and one as a barmaid at the Cavalier pub in Marston .
25 One in an office at the Lucy factory in Jericho and one as a barmaid at the Cavalier pub in Marston .
26 Examples of the work of the four artists will be showing in an exhibition at the Tate Gallery from Nov 4–29 .
27 The pivotal role of Bonnard in the art of the twentieth century , the role of nature and observation in his work , and the use of traditional themes such as landscape , the nude , the self-portrait , the view from the window and the still life , are all examined in an exhibition at the Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen , Dusseldorf ( to 12 April ) .
28 Due to the plight of the Scandinavian economy , the bubble has burst but scholarly attention is now being focused on his work , resulting in an exhibition at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum , Boston ( 5 May to 22 August ) .
29 Pietro Paolini 's ‘ Lute Players ’ , which appeared in an exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum in 1990 on Caravaggio is estimated to sell for $100–150,000 ( £58–87,000 ) .
30 The last ten years of acquisitions by the Pushkin Fine Arts Museum in Moscow were recently presented in an exhibition at the museum .
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