Example sentences of "in an [noun] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 I remember meeting him at about 6 o'clock one morning in an airport in the United States .
2 These longer listening texts appear in an Appendix in the Student 's Book .
3 In an attack in the Spectator magazine , Lord Ridley catalogued charges against the Major government .
4 Six people were found shot to death in an apartment in the crime-ridden South Bronx district of New York yesterday in a modern St Valentine 's Day massacre , police said .
5 In an ambush in the Gaza Strip on Dec. 7 , members of Qassam , the military wing of Hamas , ambushed and shot dead three Israeli reservists on patrol — the highest number of Israeli military personnel killed in a single ambush since the start of the intifada ( uprising ) in the Israeli-occupied territories in 1987 .
6 The mikva is situated in an out-building in the synagogue grounds , and there is a car park outside .
7 Mr Scargill , in an editorial in a special election edition of his union journal The Miner , became the first union leader to issue a series of specific demands during a campaign in which most TUC figures have adopted a low profile .
8 The centrality of the ‘ family ’ in these conservative perceptions , and the double-edged nature of the disciplines advocated to deal with the problem , were illustrated in an editorial in the Wall Street Journal ( Europe ) of 17 January 1989 .
9 The editor of Les Colonies , however , seized on this statement , and in an editorial in the very last issue his paper was ever to publish , tried to use it to encourage people to stay in St Pierre .
10 In an editorial in the August issue of its inhouse magazine , Taxation Practitioner , president Jennifer Ainsworth wrote that there should be a call for the faculty to withdraw its proposals .
11 Both these two factors can be seen in an editorial in the right-wing newspaper The Daily Telegraph ( 12.6.1986 ) on the same issue of discrimination in the army .
12 This definition of Egyptian kingship was written in an inscription in the Theban tomb of Rekhmire , vizier of the Eighteenth Dynast king Tuthmosis III .
13 Conrad was settled in an armchair in a far corner and felt like a witch in a coven .
14 Iain 's sitting quietly in an armchair in the lounge .
15 She was sitting in an armchair in the library , murmuring words over a little black book .
16 The fire is believed to have started in an armchair in the lounge .
17 It was erm said this morning early on in an exchange in the discussion that erm
18 There must have been an increase in the number of different kinds of animals and plants since the Precambrian ; for example , the conquering of land alone gave rise to a multitude of new opportunities for the colonizing organisms , resulting in an increase in the total number of species .
19 All five continents are involved in an increase in the incidence of gonorrhoea , which , in many cases , is now more common than during the pre-war period .
20 In the short term , nitrogenous fertilizers , by increasing grasses and clovers , can result in an increase in the earthworm population , but continuous use of superphosphate or Nitro-chalk over a long period has been shown , in trials at Rothamstead , to reduce numbers in proportion to the amount of nitrogen applied .
21 ‘ Curiously enough the reduction in low level concentrations of sulphur dioxide , resulted in an increase in the frequency of detections and complaints about fish smells because the acidic gases had been reacting with and neutralising the smell of the amines ’ .
22 Apart from the load attempted suicide places on health service facilities , it is not yet known whether the high levels of the behaviour in recent years will subsequently be reflected in an increase in the numbers of completed suicides .
23 The decline in public sector housebuilding and the rise in council house rents , together with the transfer of many council houses to the private sector , has resulted in an increase in the number of homeless people , most of whom come from groups who are unable to afford to become owner-occupiers .
24 New houses take time to complete and , hence , increases in demand for houses are reflected in an increase in the price of both existing and new houses .
25 Broadly speaking , the increase in the postsynaptic response generated at potentiated synapses could be due to ( 1 ) presynaptic modifications which result in an increase in the amount of L-glutamate released per impulse , ( 2 ) postsynaptic modifications , such as an increase in the number of receptors or a change in their functional characteristics , ( 3 ) an extrasynaptic change , such as a reduction in uptake of L-glutamate by glial cells leading to increased neurotransmitter availability at the receptors , or ( 4 ) morphological modifications .
26 While the number of tenements held of the manor came to fifty-two , the number of separate farms totalled seventy-three , resulting of course in an increase in the number of smaller units , both absolutely and relatively ; in particular the number below 10 acres amounted to forty-five ( 62 per cent ) compared with twenty-eight ( 54 per cent ) head tenancies .
27 Such a drawing results in an increase in the Fund 's holdings of the member 's currency and a decrease in the IMF holdings of the currencies that are borrowed .
28 The Keynesians argue that money is a close substitute for financial assets , so they see an increase in the money supply resulting in an increase in the price of financial assets and a fall in the yield received .
29 Furthermore , a higher level of demand will probably result in an increase in the value of imports , implying that the balance of payments objective may also conflict with the employment objective .
30 This absolute increase has also been reflected in an increase in the percentage of total population accounted for by those aged 65 + .
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