Example sentences of "in an [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Although the liquidators did not have to release the transcripts , this could result in an injustice to the defendants in the criminal proceedings .
2 He said he would urge Mr Gorbachev to end the arms supply to Nicaragua and , in an escalation of the war of words , Cuba .
3 In an escalation of the confrontation , the Russian Federation Supreme Soviet voted in closed session on May 21 to rescind the 1954 decree ceding the Crimea from Russia to Ukraine [ see p. 13507 ] .
4 I remember meeting him at about 6 o'clock one morning in an airport in the United States .
5 According to Dr Tanner in The Lancet of 1849 , ether used in an operation on the vagina of a prostitute incited ‘ lascivious dreams ’ .
6 The plaintiffs alleged the first , sixth and seventh defendants in preparing their business plan had used five specific items of information derived from financial projections contained in an appendix to a business plan ( " the blue book " ) of the plaintiffs namely : ( a ) the average operating profit per Bureau de Change ; ( b ) the average profit of the first year of operation as a percentage of a full years profit ; ( c ) the average costs per Bureau ; ( d ) the average number and/or transactions per Bureau ; ( e ) the average value of each transaction .
7 Pennethorne was called to explain his proposals , and in an appendix to the proceedings , Molesworth said that after considering Inman and Phipps 's report , he ‘ proposed to commence immediately with the Foreign Office ’ .
8 Local political behaviour shows a similar path — in an appendix to the Widdicombe Report on the Conduct of Local Authority Business ( 1986 , Cmnd 9797 ) , Miller argues that variation in local voting can increasingly be attributed to specifically local factors , and Jones and Stewart also show how since the mid-1970s local factors have increasingly influenced the results of local elections .
9 Overseas candidates who are applying from the following countries are advised to submit their applications to UCCA through the appropriate overseas students ' office in London as listed in an appendix to the UCCA handbook : Cyprus , Ghana ( private candidates only ) , Guyana , India , Luxembourg , Mauritius , Tanzania and Thailand .
10 The Inland Revenue 's policy on the allocation of overpayments of tax against underpayments , and the interest consequences thereof , have been published in an appendix to the notes of a meeting between the Revenue and the Institute 's Tax Faculty ( see ACCOUNTANCY , August , p 90 ) .
11 Against this can be set the fact that the following chapters present very full accounts of their lives and works which should at least allow readers to make their own judgments , especially as we have included ( in an appendix to the book ) details of our ‘ SADS-L ’ procedure .
12 The following account will suggest that many such pairs are etymological doublets , and we shall consider this further in an appendix to the chapter .
13 In an appendix to the Nuffield study of the election David Butler showed that the average size of Labour-won constituencies was 51,000 electors , compared with Conservative-won at 57,000 .
14 Other recommendations included the introduction of a stamp duty or similar standard charge for planning applications , the retention of detailed design control ( ‘ in spite of its subjective nature ’ ) ; the use of ‘ design guides ’ for ‘ homogeneous areas ’ and of ‘ design briefs ’ for particular sites ; greater delegation to officers ; speedy production of structure and local plans ( in accordance with a national timetable ) ; stronger control procedures in ‘ special environmental areas ’ ( for example , national parks , conservation areas and other areas identified in development plans or policies ) ; the establishment of local authority information centres and independent planning advice centres ( on which details of current pioneering examples are given in an appendix to the report ) .
15 Here he may have got the idea from a later , but heavily revised and largely independent , version of the duet , included in an appendix to the volume ( pp 439–41 ) .
16 These longer listening texts appear in an Appendix in the Student 's Book .
17 It was found that the HsdM and HsdS subunits were present in an excess over the HsdR subunit for both the wild type and the temperature-sensitive systems .
18 The molecules are initially in highly coiled shapes but application of a force causes rotation about the chain bonds resulting in an elongation of the molecules in the direction of the stress .
19 Pretreatment of human colon adenocarcinoma derived HT-29 cells with DMJ resulted in an expression of the 105 kD β 1 precursor chain and of smaller forms of the α 1 , α 3 , α 6 , and α v integrin subunits in a time and dose dependent manner .
20 Satz ( 1977 ) has exposed the folly on probabilistic grounds of inferring right sided speech dominance in an individual with a left-sided ear advantage .
21 They have this interest because such mating could affect the likelihood that an individual 's genetic constitution would be reproduced in an individual of a later generation .
22 England A ( 456–7 dec ) drew with Essex ( 317–8 dec ) A RARE century from Derek Pringle provided some spice at the very death in an opening to the season which had been all but strangled at birth by the bad weather .
23 Another example found amongst cremated bone in an urn from the cemetery at Girton ( Cambridgeshire ) has also been identified as Cypraea tigris L .
24 Andy the gardener was standing around on the lower terrace looking at some white geraniums he had set out in an urn by the pool house , and although she shrank from returning to the scene of yesterday 's shame , she decided to go and rap with him .
25 The allegations appeared late last year in an issue of the FDC Reports ( ‘ the pink sheet ’ ) .
26 It is perhaps particularly appropriate to consider tourism in an issue of the magazine whose theme is writers .
27 He repeated it with some commentary in an issue of the Times Educational Supplement .
28 The parts are key ones in an adaptation of a novel by Flann O'Brien called The Third Policeman .
29 Mark dropped the ball — which had travelled several hundred yards along the fairway at Caerphilly , Mid-Glamorgan — where he was standing in an adaptation of the game 's rules .
30 Conversely , a balance of payments surplus involves a net inflow of currency , and unless offset by a contractionary open-market operation , this will result in an expansion of the money supply .
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