Example sentences of "in which [noun] be be " in BNC.

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1 With consumption growing at only about 1 per cent a year ( the rate of growth of the labour force ) , the system would have become one in which machines were being installed at hectic rates in order to produce other machines .
2 If this pitfall is to be avoided , it is suggested that careful attention is needed to the way in which normalisation is being interpreted .
3 One can bludgeon them with facts , anecdotes and innuendoes about the ways in which land is being misused , show that even the best of intentions are misguided , and that most people who have to do with land and what it provides hold views which are wrong .
4 ALTHOUGH I welcome any move towards a more open society I am a little disturbed by the relentless way in which childhood is being forced to be politically correct .
5 First , there was an assumption of an integrating culture informing the student 's experience and studies , which ran across subjects and institutions ; it was a common inheritance in which students were being invited to share .
6 It would take a radius of c. 3,600 km from this source to encompass the zones of China in which jade was being worked as far back as neolithic times .
7 The main areas , all closely related , in which biotechnology is being applied to plants are : Improvement of crop varieties Disease and pest resistance Nitrogen fixation Deletion of undesirable traits Tissue culture and cloning Production of compounds within plants Biodegradation of plant material
8 Last time we talked I mentioned work in artificial intelligence , and this is one of the areas in which work is being done .
9 The City Code was introduced in March 1968 as the City 's response to mounting criticism from the press and Parliament of the way in which takeovers were being conducted and some of the tactics being used .
10 Yakovlev was worried by the way in which teachers were being turned into what he called ‘ the slaves of the kulaks ’ through their financial dependence on richer peasants in the Kursk guberniia .
11 I can appreciate all that , and I I appreciate the way in which females are being encouraged to apply for posts .
12 Everyone is extremely pleased at the scrupulous way in which inspection is being carried out in Iraq to reveal the scale of the investment in nuclear weapons .
13 An obvious statement and an over-simplification perhaps , but one which would require some far-reaching and fundamental changes in the way in which business was being accepted if the problem was to be dealt with .
14 This might , for example , be that the overall drama is about the making of a television documentary ( with a real video camera or an imagined one ) , in which people are being canvassed for their opinions about a new relief road .
15 In July 1988 , Stefan Dactu , one of the Romanian architectural planners , insisted on the uniformity of internal designs for the pre-fabricated blocks in which people were being rehoused throughout the country : ‘ The designing of [ internal ] spaces is in keeping with a unitary legislation .
16 Even changes of objective within the period in which funds are being disbursed may still leave pressure for additional change , especially if there is a ministerial reshuffle .
17 We are entering an exciting phase in which links are being forged between transduction events at the plasma membrane and the cell cycle proteins such as the cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases which contribute to the DNA-synthesis and maturation-promoting factors which operate at G1/S and G2/M respectively .
18 They came up with a mock chat show programme in which Williams was being interviewed by Clement Freud , as lugubrious-looking then as now .
19 I shall now consider the way ahead , and the way in which unemployment is being tackled by the Government .
20 We were most often directed to library skills and study skills lessons in which children were being taught rather unimaginatively a range of things from the Dewey Decimal Classification to the use of the full stop !
21 For these teachers , the development of ‘ collaborative methods of working ’ had moved beyond discrete tasks , contexts and settings ( deciding for a particular activity between individual and group working ) , towards an approach in which collaboration was being developed as an integral element of the learning environment as a whole .
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