Example sentences of "in his [noun pl] make [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And after being surprisingly left out of the South African party that reached the World Cup semi-finals last March , Cook has much to prove and not too many years left in his legs to make his mark on the international game .
2 What she saw in his eyes made her catch her breath .
3 The gleam in his eyes made her uncomfortably certain he knew perfectly well what she 'd just been thinking .
4 The way he was touching her and the expression in his eyes made her optimistic as she click-clacked beside him on her high heels .
5 His gaze travelled over her face , and the look in his eyes made her ache inside .
6 The glow in his eyes made her heart swell , but she could n't resist a gentle tease .
7 The brief flash of frustrated fury in his eyes made her stop in astonishment .
8 Her hair a wild tangle around her flushed face , she looked up at him helplessly , and the expression in his eyes made her heart somersault crazily .
9 ‘ Goodnight , Rob MacDonald , ’ she whispered , and he reached for her and kissed her gently , the sadness in his eyes making her suddenly afraid .
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