Example sentences of "in his [adj] [noun sg] was " in BNC.

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1 Manos 's first action in his new capacity was to announce steep increases in taxes on bank deposits from September , an immediate increase in fuel prices , and changes to the scales of value added tax to bring Greek rates more in line with European Community ( EC ) policy .
2 The one area of basic science that the president passed over in his new budget was biomedical research , for which he recommended a mere token increase of $71 million atop its current annual fund of approximately $4000 million .
3 For the abbot of Fécamp , the question of the use of old altars in his new church was a question of immediate concern for the life of his monastery .
4 In Uganda the nationalizations were to extend to the import and export business , although President Milton Obote in his first presidency was ousted by General Amin before being able to implement the programme .
5 His experience of mathematics teaching in his first post was SMILE in its early days .
6 The tenderness in his deep voice was her undoing , breaking the wall of her composure .
7 The numbness in his shoulder was beginning to wear off now and he was aware of a sticky warmth on his back , hips and legs , and that the needling pain in his upper back was intensifying .
8 The subtlety of his disagreement with the garden city lobby may have been lost on many , but the message in his final chapter was clear and unequivocal : ‘ Plan we must ’ .
9 The most versatile stone in his long catalogue was sapphire , which he held to be good for protecting the limbs from injury and the wearer from fraud , as well as for overcoming envy , averting terror , liberating from imprisonment , purifying the eyes , cooling the body and not least for the convenient property of making the wearer beloved of god as well as of men .
10 Marx in his early writing was much interested in how the illusion of religion comes about , but in his later writing he seems to have lost interest in religion .
11 Well , very briefly , the ideas was Freud in his early practice was getting stories from his patients that they had somehow been sexually interfered with or abused or something of the kind when they were very young , often by an older male friend of the family , a relative , or even their father and initially Freud thought these reminiscences were literally true .
12 In 1970 the Sandhurst-educated Sultan Qaboos bin Said decided that the situation in his backward country was intolerably dangerous ; Oman was wide open to a predator .
13 The tumbler in his right hand was almost empty .
14 In his right hand was a large cake with jam on it .
15 The talk with the chief accountant in his plush office was n't at first revealing .
16 In 1974 Giscard d'Estaing 's belief in his televisual appeal was perhaps as great as Mitterrand 's dislike of ORTF .
17 The last item in his concealed hoard was an airtight biscuit-tin whose hinged lid bore a picture of the Old Queen in black mourning robes .
18 The absence of joy in his religious life was only the inevitable effect of his conception of God 's method of saving man ; in parting with the Lutheran truth concerning justification he parted with the springs of gladness .
19 The skill of the lawyer existed in ensuring that the relationship between the statements in his legal discourse was such that it would lead to a legal outcome which would translate back directly into the outcome chosen by the client as formulated in his or her own , non-legal discourse .
20 She loved him so much , and to realise that she was only an episode in his busy life was bitter indeed .
21 Talbot did n't even give it a second thought : his faith in his senior quartermaster was complete .
22 The pleasure in his surprised look was only too apparent .
23 It was an idea based on the lifestyle of the true legionnaire , who , before his time in the Legion , had been nothing , and therefore in the eyes of the Legion , anything he had done in his past life was immaterial .
24 His first job in his chosen profession was with Ferranti as a publicity assistant under John Ford , a former BAIE national chairman , who got him to join the Association .
25 By November , Wigan were promising to scour the world for a cure , while Hanley in his enforced idleness was reported to be depressed and frustrated .
26 In his multi-faceted vision was a glowing hope in the eventual salvation of man that is inspiring :
27 Though in a different way , what we have seen to be true of Gide was also true of Wilde : ‘ running foul of the law in his sexual life was a stimulus to thought on every subject … .
28 There are some exceptions to the rigours of this rule : an oral agreement was allowed to be proved where it formed one comprehensive contract with the written lease ( Walker Property Investments ( Brighton ) Ltd v Walker ( 1947 ) 177 LT 204 ) ; and a tenant in breach of the user covenant in his written lease was allowed to prove an antecedent oral collateral contract permitting the breach complained of ( City and Westminster Properties ( 1934 ) Ltd v Mudd [ 1959 ] Ch 129 ) .
29 Smart Tar in his seasonal debut was sixth in the SGB and will improve on that performance .
30 His anger was fully under control , but his pride in his own craftsmanship was disturbed beyond recovery , and though he was on the front row again in Holland at the next race , I know that by Monza he realized he had been defeated by forces beyond his control .
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