Example sentences of "in a [adj] [noun sg] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Teams of under-11 boys and girls , five of each on the pitch in a 10-strong team and eight of each in the squads of 16 , will play a series of games starting at 1pm on Saturday and 10am on Sunday .
2 Now these men were involved in a long-term operation and total secrecy was essential to its outcome .
3 ‘ Some'ow I ca n't see you in a woolly 'at an' bedsocks . ’
4 As the armed alliances of Europe , intertwined in a deadly dance and wrapped around with train-timetables , struggled into the nightmare to come , nobody realised what modern war was going to mean , least of all Lord Roberts .
5 They also made a good point , that all timber-frame houses should be formally recorded as such either by the NHBC or on the title deeds , ‘ so that people realise they are living in a timber-frame house and can take professional advice when making alterations ’ .
6 At the same time let your hands lift up in a semi-circular motion and come down to your sides .
7 When he next turned his attention to the matter , The Times leader writer had to explain to his readers that the law of debtor and creditor was as yet only in a transitional state and that a very unsatisfactory one .
8 The team is still in a transitional phase but there are a number of very talented players in their line-up .
9 Erm I do n't think it assists at all in terms of location and I think it is a strategic matter however in terms of erm the structure plan and would probably be best incorporated into policy H two in a revised form and I suggested .
10 His hands windmill in a frenetic semaphore and his body shifts in ceaseless motion , with a life of its own .
11 I glimpsed Lady Francesca , resplendent in a sea-green dress and cloak and small hat of the same colour , but for the moment , my lust had subsided .
12 Capacity to learn about associations in the world is clearly of great value in a variable environment and appeared at an early stage in animal evolution .
13 It did however reflect a sense of Britain 's central role in a world-wide economy and permitted individuals to believe they could contribute to a good cause without relying upon government or becoming enmeshed in politics .
14 There were horse-drawn vehicles , and when the Governor arrived to open the island 's parliament he drove in a stately coach and four .
15 Park in a well-lit area or use an attended car park and never leave your parking ticket in the car !
16 He must not sneak over them in a halfhearted way nor must he be allowed to flatten over them .
17 Above all , what needs to be explained is how we distinguish between places in a phenomenological space and places in an objective space .
18 Adam pulled her from her chair , undid two more buttons , quickly unzipped her skirt : Miranda was left standing in a daffodil-yellow camisole and black high-heeled boots .
19 His wrists are in a cocked position and he has no time to release the clubhead with any force .
20 In the cities , where competition is intense , to be seen to be involved with clients at the top of the commercial ( and to a lesser degree social ) tree , publicity will take very different forms , but whether it comprises the full page recruitment advertisement or a high ranking in some statistical table devised by the editors of a legal journal , a bigger than average spread in a legal directory or an article by one of its partners explaining some development unique to the firm , the message will be the same : we are professional people of the highest calibre who run their practice efficiently and with success ; we have earned the respect of our fellow professionals and the esteem of our clients who are themselves of comparable stature to ourselves .
21 When , and if , these people ever reach the ‘ responsibility threshold ’ then and only then will they be allowed to participate in a legal contract and to vote .
22 He marched back in with his shoes duly laced up , before telling the court : ‘ I have been made to look like a child in a legal institution and take it very badly . ’
23 Many years ago I was taking notes in a legal matter and only realised when I was transcribing them that police commissioner and police constable have the same initials .
24 You must have served five years [ two after membership ] in a legal office and be 25 years of age before you become eligible to become a Fellow of the Institute of Legal Executives .
25 Having consulted all available evidence and carefully examined it for reliability , the historian has to decide , judge , evaluate and interpret in a final summary or synthesis .
26 Pupils sitting GCSEs will find more of their mark concentrated in a final exam and less in course work .
27 A newly elected collegium , it was announced on Sept. 16 , included " competent people who think in a modern way and who have stood the tests of the crisis " , according to a spokesman .
28 In Kuwait it is just that we by the way in Kuwait we have two courts , we have the civil courts and we have the Islamic court , and erm Islamic cases go to the Islamic court and otherwise they go to the civil court , except just we we accept erm how to live our live in a modern way and keeping up with the times , and it is a tradition that we have adopted in Kuwait , and the fact that it is for women can drive in Kuwait versus those that do n't in Saudi Arabia , I do n't believe I 'd like to put that in the Islamic context , it 's just a way of life which we have adopted .
29 ‘ We are democrats who believe in pluralism , in a modern state and human rights . ’
30 Before discussing the various economic theories of unemployment and inflation , it is necessary to examine the determination of employment levels , wage rates and product prices in a modern economy and , in particular , to understand the institutional influences on employment , wages and prices in the UK .
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