Example sentences of "in a [noun] [coord] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She flared up in a fury and we parted for life again …
2 Tom then hit his tee-shot in a fury and he struck it further than I go on holidays .
3 I myself am guilty , he wrote , in that I want the glass to be seen , I want it placed in a morgue and I want people to come in and see it , pay money and come in and see it , if needs be .
4 They 're not actually in a conversation but we always do that sort of thing anyway .
5 unless we were just kind of indulge in a conversation and we did n't see it
6 You just weigh up and take so much information in through your eyes do n't you , perhaps this person 's in a panic or they look angry , yeah , this sort of stuff , do it very , very naturally .
7 And I had a se , you know , I mean you you were aware that you were in a coach and you 'd you 'd wake up occasionally and realise you we , but by enlarge I had eight hours sleep !
8 Later that evening , they were in a pub and my friend placed a pound coin in another condom machine .
9 The flickering patterns of the light made her face seem insubstantial ; like something you might glimpse in a dream but which , when you came closer or held a clear light up to see it better , would fade or change back to its true form .
10 in in a will or something
11 They 're real nice — they ai n't sort of usual trees , you know , like you 'd find in a wood or summat .
12 if you go in a freezer and it shrivels so then if you go in the fridge
13 But if I met , but then that 's slightly different because if I met someone in a nightclub or something like that then I would be quite wary .
14 ‘ I was in a competition and my daughter — who was three at the time — was watching .
15 This being a movie , Sandra is recognised , by a young American woman who won her place in the workshop in a competition and who now , shyly , politely , asks if she can trouble her for an autograph .
16 The expert clause is a clause in a contract and it will therefore be subject to the same rules of interpretation as a contract .
17 I can understand why she works in a hotel but I mean why not in Cardiff or something like that ?
18 ‘ I moved out to stay in a hotel and I think Tracie preferred it that way .
19 you know in a , in erm restaurant , in a hotel or whatever , but I , mind you , you do n't go to a hotel that often
20 Recently she broke a leg in a fall and it was still in plaster .
21 I can wrap myself in a cloak or something . ’
22 And they take them five in a nest and they were all er males , of course .
23 but Bob and I did , I could , I could remember the day we moved in to a hundred and eleven er we 'd never , never been upstairs in a house before you see we 'd been brought up in a bungalow and we 'd never ever been upstairs and the thoughts of going upstairs to bed , you know , was fantastic
24 Was you erm in a union or anything at all at this time ?
25 His long hair was tied back in a scarf and he was playing guitar to a whistling song .
26 There were days when the world was shrouded in a mist and I would feign headaches and period pains to get me out of awkward situations such as reading in class .
27 He just comes round once in a while and they go out .
28 I would see them in Sweetmary every once in a while and they would most always be drunk .
29 Graham Pidgeon who 's horse has won a race says you only have w inner once in a while and its worth waiting for
30 Any café 'll do , but you ca n't use any of them more than once in a while or they start chucking you out .
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