Example sentences of "in the [noun pl] have [be] " in BNC.

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1 Yesterday , Crawford Beveridge , SE chief executive , said the issues raised in the documents had been examined in the audit .
2 The causes of economic and employment decline in the cities have been the subjects of the most extensive studies — no other area of urban research has received so much attention .
3 In a similar fashion , all the representative bodies of the police — ACPO , the Superintendents ' Association , and the Police Federation — were outraged at the creation of the Crown Prosecution Service in the Prosecution of Offences Act in the mid-1980s ; for one area of police power in the courts had been removed at one fell swoop and given to another arm of the executive .
4 The diagnostic criteria for ulcerative colitis and Crohn 's disease in the probands have been described .
5 Accordingly differences of up to 500 m in the estimates have been ignored for interpretation purposes .
6 All day the riddle of the wrecked laundry basket in the showers had been exercising the teacher 's faculty of deduction .
7 The door to the servants ' quarters in the attics had been nailed up .
8 They concluded that : ( i ) severe pollution was confined to 400 km of the Saudi coastline south of Kuwait ; ( ii ) that most of the oil in the spills had been digested by microbes ; and iii ) that sea-bed levels of cancer-causing chemicals produced by burning oil were no higher than those found in estuaries in the United Kingdom and USA .
9 The team also concluded that severe pollution was confined largely to 250 miles of the Saudi coastline south of Kuwait , that most of the oil in the spills had been digested by microbes , and that sea-bed levels of cancer-causing chemicals produced by burning oil were no higher than those found in estuaries in the United States or Britain .
10 ‘ The amount of confidence end-users have in the figures has been seriously dented after last year 's performance .
11 Large numbers of workers and citizens involved in the disturbances have been arrested , but relatively few students and intellectuals .
12 The occurrence of multiple probands in the families has been described .
13 Water levels in the drains had been reduced to only about one foot and , in view of the conditions , it was surprising that anything at all was caught .
14 As already discussed above , limitation of liability in respect of specification , delivery and defects in the goods have been dealt with specifically in cll 2 , 4 and 9 respectively .
15 People living in the areas had been exposed to three times the acceptable level of ionising radiation .
16 The idea that the colonies might be told to go their own way was not considered ; an administrative system was set up to make sure that the King 's orders were obeyed on the far side of the Atlantic as much as in the more distant parts of the British Isles — it was realized that he could not expect complete obedience , and in some respects the system was losing its impetus even by the beginning of the eighteenth century , but the shift from the Greek pattern of virtual independence to the Roman pattern of general obedience in the colonies had been made and there was no reason to think it would be reversed .
17 Purulent staphylococcal infection in the lungs has been noted in many cases of metastrongylosis .
18 More than any other policy at any other stage in his career , de Gaulle 's foreign policy in the mid-1960s has been comprehensively criticized — in concept , operation , and outcome .
19 The gunfire and noise in the woods had been lessening as it drew nearer and the targets became fewer .
20 An electoral alliance , the Nationalist Action for Peace ( Acción Nacionalista por la Paz ) , was unexpectedly announced on Feb 7 by Carlos Pizarro Leóngómez , leader of the left-wing guerrilla April 19 Movement ( M-19 ) , and José Joaquín Matallana , a former Army general who as Director of the Department for the Administration of Security ( DAS ) in the mid-1970s had been responsible for combating the activities of the M-19 and other guerrilla groups .
21 The data shown in the tables have been weighted to allow for the 50 Tory marginals ' over-representation in the total sample .
22 This fairy castle in the clouds has been asleep for a hundred years and the briars are beginning to take over .
23 Mr Poole said there was evidence that some ambulance workers in the shires had been breaching the ban at the request of managers .
24 Sclerotization of such an animal , with jointed limbs replacing lobopods , could lead to an animal similar to phosphatized Ordovician fossils from , regarded as primitive pentastomids ( still extant as parasitic animals whose postulated position in the crustaceans has been recently confirmed by molecular evidence ) .
25 About 90 per cent of development in the zones has been for industrial or warehouse use .
26 In most libraries user education activity fluctuates from year to year ; a bewildering range of teaching methods and teaching materials has been tried and applied ; and a discernible pattern of development in the programmes has been almost impossible to trace .
27 Our recent record in the cups has been bad … but you look back — it always has been !
28 I liked to think it was because they thought he 'd failed , that our survival in the mountains had been his humiliation , but I would have to admit this might have been mere wishful thinking .
29 Volunteers at Belvoir Park Hospital who run a trolley service in the wards have been selling tobacco products directly to cancer sufferers as they lay in their beds .
30 The reason I have chosen these two books for a comparison is because I always prefer to read books that are either true or close to reality as they bring out more emotions in my reading and at leat I know my feelings towards certain situations in the books have been felt by someone before , whether it may be another reader or the character himself , but in more depth .
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