Example sentences of "in the [noun sg] [noun pl] the " in BNC.

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1 At West Bromwich in the west midlands the Dissenters defended their meeting-house with guns and swords , some of them even being mounted on horses .
2 In the liver biopsies the ratios were 0.84 ( 0.02 ) , 0.86 ( 0.04 ) , and 0.81 ( 0.05 ) for benign gastrointestinal disease , colorectal cancer and inflammatory bowel disease groups of patients respectively .
3 In Phase II , for each file in the storage directories the corresponding module details are checked within the LIFESPAN database .
4 In the opium areas the mujahedin fight the traffickers — and each other — for control of the business .
5 In the country towns the gradual decline in status undergone by the guilds also saw a reduction in the number of trappings provided for the funeral .
6 A whole lot in the council houses the distillery I do n't know them at all .
7 In the interwar years the hard edges of a market-orientated Conservative Party strategy were softened , first by the avuncular consensus politics of Baldwin , and then by the virtual collapse of the market itself .
8 In the heifer classes the top bid was 2,000gns for the champion from Messrs McConchie which was purchased by JJ Patterson of Kirktonhill and Glengelt Farms , Oxton , Lauder , while the reserve champion Jenny l86th from J&W Wilson of Kirkmabreck , Creetown was bought at 900gns by R&K Drysdale , Old Cambus Quarry , Cockburnspath , Berwick .
9 In the treaty councils the commissioners have claimed that our country has been sold to the government .
10 A delightful touch is that in the opening movements the instrumental ensemble is cast as an independent personality .
11 But in the village gardens the twentieth century seems a million miles away .
12 Betty McCaw , who lives out Templepatrick way , tells me she was in the electricity showrooms the other day when she happened to catch the eye of another woman in the queue .
13 Bedford is in the south midlands the same as Northampton was , and is , I should say .
14 This unity in the Spirit bridges the gap between Jews and Gentiles once they become Christians ( Eph. 2:15 ) and breaks down the hostility between men of different col-ours and backgrounds .
15 4.5 In the module descriptors the performance level for calculation and graphical exercises is stated as the satisfactory achievement being demonstrated by the student producing a correct response .
16 In the textile districts the new industrial landscape lay in the valley bottoms , which had been comparatively ignored in Defoe 's day , when the thickest settlement was on the hillside .
17 In the textile districts the position was less clear .
18 In drug addiction and in the eating disorders the processes may be even slower because the drugs or the distorted eating pattern may cause more confusion and damage to thought processes and also because the sufferers may be young and may need to live through the emotional pain of adolescence that is necessary for maturity and which they earlier avoided by recourse to mood-altering chemicals , substances or behaviour .
19 In the sprint events the contests would be between the Canadians , the English and the Scots .
20 In the sprint events the world 's best were assembled .
21 In the infancy narratives the role played by Mary and Elizabeth is a major one ( Luke 1:5–80 ; 2:1–52 ) .
22 If we are looking at power and powerlessness in the health services the issue of gender is clearly one which has to be addressed .
23 In the coalition years the party encountered severe difficulties , some endemic to coalition as such , some related to the times , but together they created a general frustration from which the party was lucky to emerge so well .
24 The extensive network of subcontracting is one important mechanism which preserves dualism in Japan and in the process cushions the impact of market fluctuations on larger companies .
25 Even in the engineering companies the role of the unions seemed to have been limited to ensuring that , in other than their temporary status , temporary workers were not disadvantaged and received the same fringe benefits ( except membership of company pension schemes ) as regular workers .
26 I was just helping out and erm learning the basics and I erm came and , appeared in the Christmas pantomimes the fairy godmother of the bedpan
27 That is why we have sought to respond to representations , and to continue to give people in Scotland who wish to serve in the parachute regiments the opportunity to do so .
28 Further , in the world religions the sacred is differentiated from the social ; that is , that primitive religions are ‘ immanentist ’ , as Talcott Parsons underscored , while world religions are ‘ transcendentalist ’ .
29 In the dealing rooms the mental stress is unbelievable , ’ Kleinwort says .
30 In the upland areas the introduction of the wages boards also led to the decline of hiring fairs and the gradual discontinuance of the practice of ‘ living in ’ .
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