Example sentences of "in the [noun sg] [prep] things " in BNC.

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31 The artist is involved in the manufacture of things , individual things : like the works of Modigliani , or Kupka , or de Kooning , de Staël , Matisse , Moore , Braque , Miró , Picasso , Bacon , Rothko , Newman , Kline …
32 However , I find Turner 's work on the results of such movement into the liminal state to be a very useful way of interpreting what an insider experiences when he moves to the margins of his own domain , and I suspect that many such transformations across fiercely defended boundaries of cultural experience lend the individual the chance to stand aside and reflect on his subjective place in the order of things .
33 Their causes come first ‘ in the order of things ’ and are ‘ more known to nature ’ .
34 They need to be ‘ better known to nature ’ too , prior in the order of things to the conclusions established on their basis .
35 It was that it should be ‘ more known ’ to nature , first in the order of things .
36 A new physical model of the place of male and female in the order of things had emerged .
37 If it appears useless then we have not yet understood its function in the order of things : it is not yet woven into a personally cohesive pattern of ideas and events .
38 Historicity is a mode of knowledge for some societies but can not ipso facto claim to be the fundamental basis of knowledge for all of them — a point that was to be re-emphasized by Foucault in The Order of Things .
39 Nevertheless we can say at least that his preoccupation with history has been consistent throughout : the articulation of repressed history in Madness and Civilization ( 1961 ) , the historicity of history in The Order of Things ( 1966 ) , the epistemic mutation of history and the theoretical difficulties of historiography in The Archaeology of knowledge ( 1969 ) , and the attempt to write a different kind of history , ‘ genealogy ’ , that demonstrates the emergence of new forms of power in Discipline and Punish ( 1975 ) and The History of Sexuality ( 1976–84 )
40 But Foucault 's own subsequent work shows that it could not really be a question of choice on these terms , for the simple reason that , as he himself is at pains to point out in The Order of Things , history is itself a discursive practice : while the latter can not be simply equated with the textual , it can not be crudely opposed to it either .
41 In The Order of Things , published three years after Derrida 's critique , Foucault re-examines the links between Enlightenment rationality and history and poses the questions about the latter which Derrida had suggested that Foucault 's work invites .
42 Following Althusser 's suggestion that a historical problematic might be altogether invisible even to experiencing subjects , in The Order of Things Foucault analyses what he provocatively calls ‘ the historical a priori ’ according to which the knowledges of grammar , natural history and wealth , and their epistemic replacements , philology , biology , and political economy , were structured .
43 In The Archaeology of knowledge he develops his suggestion in The Order of Things that an epistemological mutation is taking place today with regard to the very concept and methodology of history .
44 When Rebekah , Potiphar 's wife , or Tamar uses a piece of attire for their own personal ends , they do not create a gratuitous disturbance in the order of things .
45 On silent feet , she returned to her duties , mindful of her place in the order of things .
46 Let us announce to all that Welsh in this county lives and insists on achieving its proper place in the order of things . ’
47 Some of them are getting very elaborate , and you 're seeing the stuff in the press for things like ten percent gross yields , has anybody seen those ?
48 Put it in the pile of things to go back in the cupboards . ’
49 Even a biscuit tin full of buttons and other odds and ends was finally put back in the pile of things to be kept because , as Granny said , ‘ You never know when they 'll come in handy . ’
50 ‘ But you know how she always likes to be in the centre of things . ’
51 The feeling of being in the centre of things , of constant activity , of being in charge not only of a vehicle but its VIP occupant — or occupants — and the different venues to and from which she transported them all over southern England , appealed enormously to her restless nature and craving for excitement .
52 " Oh , it 's a flat in the Franciskanerplatz , quite in the centre of things . "
53 You 've been in the centre of things .
54 You 're always in the centre of things .
55 With British industry burdened by record debt and Britain 's trade deficit at its highest for a year , will the Prime Minister explain why tax cuts which will suck in more imports are right while public investment in the kind of things that Britain needs for the future is wrong ?
56 Viola , pretending to ignore her , took up a theatrical position , as if rapt in the memory of things past : ‘ Walter was a lovely man .
57 His response is to try to see clearly what we are in the scale of things :
58 Homer was not interested in the origin of things and had no cosmogony beyond the idea that water is the origin of all things .
59 Luce tried hard not to credit any other possibility , but the truth was , she felt like Alice , her confidence in the sanity of things shattered .
60 It 's also knowing and being interested in the history of things , which I do n't think Maggie has at all .
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