Example sentences of "in the [noun sg] [noun] over " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps the most exciting development in the West Country over the past 20 years is the St Mellion Golf and Country Club , near Saltash , in Cornwall .
2 WITH a 40 per cent drop in house prices in the West Country over the past three years , this is the time to think seriously about that Cornish cliff-top cottage , waterfront Dorset flat or Devonian mansion with more than enough land to keep a few horses .
3 Here , as in the pollution debates over the hazards of sewage or acidification of lakes , the Commission and its supporters were applying one line of reasoning whereas environmentalists and scientists in other countries were applying another .
4 A related analysis concentrates more narrowly on the decline in employment in the manufacturing sector over the 1970s against a background of low growth , inflation and rising unemployment [ Singh , 1977 ] .
5 And it 's the inter-pros which provide the initial rung on that ladder , with nine matches in the NCU area over those three days .
6 Could you just give me an impression of what 's happened in the aviation industry over the past few weeks , because I think I am right in saying that the number of people flying actually has been drastically reduced .
7 It was a little after ten o'clock by the time the three men gathered in the council chamber over the post office and unrolled the plans on the long oak table .
8 Somebody said , well the Harbourmaster 's not coming , I said , right go back to work and that 's the time I , that 's the time when we had the first baby and erm , that 's the first one we lost and anyhow they put me off for a fortnight and erm I went down to , I say go up the Board of Guardians , that was like the D H S S but a little bit lower and I just start to buy this house soon as I said to this bloke , he live in the council house over here this bloke , what was interviewing me
9 With this version of the theory , the change in the exchange rate over a period will equal the differential inflation rates between the two countries .
10 Lok peered at the stick and the lump of bone and the small eyes in the bone things over the face .
11 After making findings of fact which are broadly summarised in the second paragraph of this judgment the board determined , inter alia : ( 1 ) that the fees derived from the sub-licencing were sourced in the countries in which the sub-licensees were by their contracts entitled to exercise the particular rights and ( 2 ) that the 1981 agreement vested in the taxpayer rights over intangible property , which rights could only be exercised outside Hong Kong .
12 When a sergeant congratulated one section on the improvement in the language in the guard room over the last few hours when the field-worker had been present , one constable shouted , ‘ Fucking good job too , Sir ’ ( FN 2/2/87 , p. 6 ) , and the occupational culture of the station soon reasserted its typical forms of expression , which are widespread in all police forces and occupational cultures that are predominantly masculine and working class .
13 Few would disagree that the CAB has raised its profile in the public eye over the last few years .
14 ‘ Well , accordin' ter Will , Joe 's bruvver used ter fight in the pub tournaments over Stepney , ’ Nellie went on .
15 Erm er changes in the central charges which always intrigues me I 'd like to know and erm if I may go back to erm paragraph seven where we 're saying you know allocated thirty five thousand in the committee development over and above the effects of inflation an and this subject six thousand seven hundred recycled savings is available for some revenue development or mortgage charges and then if we look at eight and shortfall in planning applications we are going to use that six thousand seven hundred to write off a shortfall in the planning applications .
16 But yet , the steady increase in the divorce rate over the last fifteen years or so is not the simple consequence of attending women 's studies classes .
17 The England keeper revealed some fancy footwork in the midweek victory over Nottingham Forest .
18 Erm we 's we 've had a number of changes in the water industry over the years .
19 As Governor he had encountered the opposition of the Democrat majority in the state legislature over tax and budgetary reforms and over his decision to veto a state abortion law in 1990 .
20 Under certain conditions the balance of class forces , plus the conflicts within and between different elites in the state system over state power might result in opportunities for interests opposed to monopoly capital to seize the state and pursue policies antithetical to its interest .
21 Indeed , a lot 's changed in the music industry over the year Omar 's been absent .
22 CONCERN is growing in the art world over the news that Charles Saatchi the advertising agency millionaire has sold between 10 and 12 per cent of his art collection in the past six months .
23 Four of Howard 's Marine players are included in the HFS squad , although midfielder Jon Gautrey is struggling to overcome a knee ligament injury suffered in the weekend victory over Worksop .
24 Unix International is working to head off further arguments in the Unix world over incompatibilities , this time within the System V.4 camp itself ( see front page ) .
25 The 1991 summer has not been one of the best for tourism in mid Wales and this has been reflected in the passenger loadings over the BR system and , once September came in , things turned particularly quiet with the local line stated to be absolutely dead .
26 has seen many changes in the pig industry over the years at the NAC Pig Unit at Stoneleigh .
27 ‘ We plan a major show of force in the Kismayu region over the next few days , ’ Col Peck said .
28 The violence of the early Quakers contrasted noticeably with the reputation for gentle non-conformity they acquired in the market towns over the next century or so .
29 Swinnerton , Curcio and Bennett ( 1988 ) used transactions data on the S&P500 for 1986 , and found that the mispricing was a modest predictor of movements in the spot price over the next five minutes , particularly when futures were overpriced .
30 Zeckhauser and Niederhoffer ( 1983a ) examined the rank correlations between the basis and the change in the spot price over the next one and three days for the S&P500 and VLCI indices .
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