Example sentences of "in the [noun] [that] she " in BNC.

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1 She was so poorly versed in the emotions that she failed to comprehend its true nature .
2 She never did , being as efficient as she was creative in the kitchen that she loved so much .
3 He left the room abruptly before anyone could respond , and it was only when Belinda heard his powerful car start up in the driveway that she realised he was n't coming back .
4 She was not even inarticulate in the sense that she could express her own feelings convincingly .
5 She was not miserable ; she certainly was not coerced into her life style ( quite the contrary , her family made considerable effort to dissuade her , and even the Church authorities of her time were not encouraging ) ; she was not psychopathic , in the sense that she did not inflict sufferings on other people ; she was the recipient of quite remarkable consolations , including that highest of all delights , the conviction of the ‘ mystical marriage ’ , in which Christ takes the soul directly as his spouse , and a loving one at that .
6 ‘ She was outspoken in the sense that she did n't lack confidence , but not in a pushy way , ’ he says .
7 Her mind was beginning to wander — only in the sense that she tended to get a little confused about time .
8 Decibel is an oral character in the sense that she is part of a play , but she has nevertheless been conceived of and written by Perry .
9 " She counted for a great deal in the palace " in the sense that she had privileged access to Louis and thus could be a helpful patron .
10 ’ In the play there is the prostitute character who represents Suzannah in the sense that she modeled for Artemesia 's painting ; She is also a hint at Tassi 's own murky past — he was tried for attempting to murder his wife ( a prostitute'- proof of his duplicity since he would not have been able to marry Artemesia under any circumstance .
11 Yes , in the sense that she was not a person who just reacted and went along with the system , but was prepared to be independent and assess situations for herself .
12 The teacher , however , creates the opportunity for experiment and choice in the provision that she makes .
13 There had been a terrible fragrance in the air that she 'd noticed before , as if the mad cells in his lungs were blossoming , scarlet and fleshy , like poisonous hothouse orchids .
14 Candy would tell her there was no point in trying to buck fate — it was in the stars that she should become entangled in this whole crazy situation .
15 They say in the village that she took Miguel 's soul with her . ’
16 ‘ I 'll ask the woman from Ty Fach , ’ says Elizabeth in the voice that she uses to make promises , ‘ and the girl who is staying with her . ’
17 There was a seriously dangerous note in his voice now , Cassie thought , so caught up in the play that she hardly realized that she was part of the script and it was she whom Johnny was talking about .
18 She felt such powerful energies in the crypt that she was unable to speak .
19 For if Mrs Phipps been clever enough to manage her husband 's murder , then she was too bright to make such uninhibited admissions , even to a sympathetic vicar 's wife , other than in the knowledge that she 'd nothing to hide .
20 It was such a pleasure now to wake each morning in the knowledge that she was near to her friends , and had no need to make a journey , in all weathers , to the school .
21 Then secure in the knowledge that she was of age by six weeks , she had become Mrs Ziolkiwski — and written to tell Dad so .
22 Lord only knew when the telephone was going to be installed in the house , but if that man thought that he could speak to her however he wanted , safe in the knowledge that she was incommunicado , then he had another think coming .
23 Secure in the knowledge that she was no longer quite so helpless , Luce relaxed and picked up one of the magazines , which fluttered open .
24 She was already counting the minutes until she 'd march out the front door of the Palazzo Sabatini , secure in the knowledge that she 'd never again have to see that self-satisfied , patrician face .
25 Now , at the age of twenty-six , she travelled widely , searching out hidden gems , secure in the knowledge that she had an outlet for them with the clientele she had built up .
26 When she came back she was put into contracts and purchasing in the knowledge that she was a potential candidate for management succession , although no promises were made .
27 She was so wrapped up in the portrait that she heard nothing until the clink of glass told her she was not alone , and as she spun round she found Alain turning from pouring himself a drink .
28 I recollect one girl putting on dark glasses as a disguise in the hope that she would be luckier than Oliver Twist .
29 The papers we have in our Archive are essentially the contents of Christabel 's desk when she died — she expressed a wish that they should be sent to one of her nieces , May Bailey , ‘ in the hope that she may come to care about poetry ’ . ’
30 He kidnaps her in the hope that she will accept and return his affections and when he ties her up the sexual and emotional metaphors of the title abound .
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