Example sentences of "in place [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Unemployment was a problem right across Europe , he said , and the Government had put in place a comprehensive system of training and employment schemes ‘ unmatched in the history of this country ’ .
2 But now there was in place a plebiscitary system ; the total number of presidential primaries had risen sharply , thereby substantially increasing popular participation in the selection of delegates and further weakening the power of party leaders .
3 The Supreme Soviet on June 14 passed what was in effect the country 's first corporate taxation law , setting in place a crucial element of market economic reform .
4 He quickly engineered the overthrow of the Conservative and Anglican majorities on the town council and the school board and put in place a political machine which carried all before it for well over a decade .
5 Three months after becoming prime minister , he is already putting in place a vast programme to privatise the state-owned businesses that have been a drag on the country since they were nationalised by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto in the early 1970s .
6 We now have in place a new estates officer for Cherry Hinton er can I ask that that there is a special report brought to the housing committee er before the summer recess on the possible solutions to the problems that have been identified ?
7 His league 's annual meeting at Mountain Rangers clubhouse at Rhosgadfan had been expected to put in place a new stipulation to limit one player to one club .
8 He also put in place a long-term programme of staff development .
9 In fact , the system of Republican education created by Jules Ferry after the defeat of 1870 put in place a common culture of liberal values .
10 As RPP is about putting in place a single mechanism for demand management , it will have a significant effect on suppliers .
11 This was first proposed in 1974 but when the Environmental Protection Bill becomes law , the UK will be the first European country to put in place a national system of integrated control The importance of IPC is that it aims to treat the environment as it is : an inter-related system where pollutants can be exchanged between air , water and land .
12 Constitutional amendments formally to set in place a multiparty system were still pending , however : they were passed unanimously by the Federal Chamber on Aug. 8 , and it was hoped to secure the necessary ratification by the assemblies of the republics and provinces by Sept. 20 .
13 Awaited since the Communist Party ( CPSU ) renounced its constitutionally guaranteed " leading role " in March , the law formally set in place a multiparty system .
14 It is proving invaluable in helping chambers set in place a proper system of administration in chambers .
15 We now have in place an extensive set of management procedures covering all operations , and we must build upon this success and make our business more efficient .
16 That can be done only by putting in place the right conditions to create long-term , permanent jobs , long-term growth and secure jobs .
17 We have achieved a better than expected pro-forma combined profit and Stoddard Sekers is now putting in place the strategic plans to enable it to grow strongly both organically and by acquisition ’ .
18 In many cases , Senior Management , in Branches , put in place the operational arrangements for Lunch-time Opening , but happened to be at sumptuous ‘ development ’ lunches , when these arrangements were being implemented .
19 Since then I have found other uses for it in my knitting room such as to anchor down that very important latch tool and to put in place the little basin on the weighing machine which tends to flop off when I go to weigh a heavy jumper .
20 It is submitted that this leaves in place the binding character of Article 13 of the original Convention as to service of documents by accredited consular or diplomatic agents .
21 In view of all this , it is hardly surprising that Domesday Book reveals a country in which the church was in places a mighty landowner .
22 In places the accumulated plaster of years , too heavy to bear its own weight , had cracked and crumbled , and fallen to the ground before her brush like broken china .
23 But in places the bare rock is showing and the joints have been enlarged by chemical solution .
24 After all , in places the main reef is 100 kilometres or more offshore .
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