Example sentences of "in other [noun pl] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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31 Presumably because I was too young , and because life was so full in other ways that I never had time or any real reason to question it .
32 Probably the king 's enterprising patronage in other ways and his need of papal financial and political support help to explain the want of any crisis then in contrast with 1279–81 .
33 But Sir Emmanuel was good in other ways and he used to buy our wool at a fair price .
34 Now it seemed fortunate that I had n't ; just as it seemed , though still obscurely , fortunate that I had n't lost my head in other ways when I wrote to her .
35 ( They can also be removed in other ways as we 'll see in a moment ) .
36 Already there are suggestions from Australia that the Raiders ' post-Grand Final party lasted all the way to Manchester , in other words that their preparation for the game was not as dedicated as it might have been .
37 In other words that they were shifting the blame .
38 These objections imply that technology can not be a guide to other aspects of society , or in other words that there is no inevitable association between technology and other aspects of society .
39 In other words that there has been no Coalition , no mutual concessions .
40 So , submits Mr. Browne , inviting analogy first between discovery in civil and in criminal proceedings , and then between the implied undertaking on the one hand and public interest immunity on the other , this court should now conclude that the immunity too has lapsed : in other words that there no longer remains any public interest in withholding these documents from further dissemination .
41 My Proposition , embracing The House of the Dead , Notes from Underground , Crime and Punishment , The Possessed , Karamazov , and , negatively , by way of relative failure , The Idiot , is that Dostoevsky could only promote his dearest values by creeping up on their blind side : in other words that he had an urge towards crisis and clarity which he could only satisfy by yielding it to the enemy — to the horror of the flogging routine in the ‘ Thy kingdom come ’ episode in the Dead House at one chronological extreme , and to Ivan Karamazov 's showdown with the Religion Swindle at the other .
42 in other words than mine , but hold us
43 The question may arise as to whether the decision to consent to or reject treatment is made by a patient who has the capacity to make the decision , in other words whether he is fit to make it , or whether he has genuinely made the decision .
44 But I would say that the way to look at this site is to ask whether it is part of the built area , in other words whether it is built on , or whether it is not part of the built area , in other words it is not built on .
45 The lower dominant in other words and it 's
46 In other words if we " bake the biggest cake " it should be possible to provide greater shares for all .
47 Er , in other words if we decided erm come the end of this month that yes we 're going to take in one or more extra counties from Leicestershire , we would be in a position immediately to erm convene the er rec the appointing panel for a complaint examiner , would n't we ?
48 Although we might be prepared outside our normal scheme to fund the current year 's training for such people on the understanding that future funding will not be available , so in other words if somebody comes along to you and says , I 'd like to do an M B A , beginning this year , now normally we we would say , yes , we will contribute our half to that cost , er and that would then be a high priority on our budget to provide continued support for the rest of that M B A course , we 're now saying that that the answer is actually no , because we can not provide support next year , we do n't think , er but if you never the less want to go ahead this year and then fund it yourself from then on , then we we have actually got money available which we can use this year .
49 In other words if there be a moral burden to protest it should be well aimed , and be for proper reasons , difficult though this may be to define .
50 In other words if there 's nothing wrong with the modelling technique , even then the level of re relief is perhaps something closer to twenty five percent over the A sixty one as a whole .
51 Motor insurance policy premiums should reduce over several years if you accrue ‘ No claims bonuses ’ — in other words if you do not make any claims for damage , etc .
52 he was greatly concerned , too , with getting the correct scale of things , emphasising that the eye can only see at one glance an object which in size is one-third of the distance between the object and that eye ; in other words if you are painting a man six feet high you should be 18 feet away from him .
53 Also if it 's within your own normal income you can give anything , in other words if you do n't reduce your capital .
54 If you 're wor In other words if you 're working with Christ , keep your eyes on him , you 'll not go wrong .
55 So in other words if you 're there for two to three weeks you 're solidly for .
56 In other words if you do n't you 're not the best people .
57 in other words if you read it without any experience you might start thinking that it 's giving you a vision of the real heaven where as it 's just symbolic
58 in other words if you can improve your strength
59 In other words if you , you 've been a teacher and you 're working in a school , you tend to talk about the things about your school that different from other schools , not about the things about your school that are the same , and that go on in all the other schools as well .
60 Yes , but very restricted erm in other words if you look at the history of Kuwait for the time that we received or we got our independence , we had to start our nationalisation process as an independent country .
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