Example sentences of "in their [noun] [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 What is important is that they should not be trying to enter publishing on an uncommercial basis , especially when there are such clear and obvious shortcomings in their performance in almost all the areas that are quite clearly their responsibility , and on which the future of British tennis depends .
2 EXPERIENCED non-league campaigner Mick Hardman has been signed by Warrington Town and is included in their squad for tomorrow 's HFS first division visit to Great Harwood Town .
3 No doubt the hon. Member for Normanton would confirm that business men and professionals in Leeds and elsewhere would leave high-tax Labour regions in their droves for efficiently run , Conservative regions .
4 That is that practices in theoretical , moral-practical , and aesthetic spheres become ‘ contingent ’ in their independence from externally imposed order .
5 Individual writers may differ in their exposition of how these two mental activities interact but a classic exposition of the dynamics of the whole spiritual exercise involved in the contemplative process is found in the twelfth-century Scala Claustralium ( The Ladder of Monks ) by a Carthusian , Guigo II .
6 1.2 The successful prediction and management of violent or aggressive behaviour follows from a partnership in which the resources and responsibilities of organisation , management and workers combine to maximise available information on client situations before contact and enable workers to feel confident , equipped and supported in their work with potentially difficult situations .
7 The advisory teacher and Betty disagreed in their views about how a task might be presented .
8 The contents are secret and have been seen in their entirety by very few officers below the rank of Assistant Chief Constable .
9 It is also playfully lexical , in a manner that engagingly unites the bookish child and the ageing professor of Anglo-Saxon , and its word-games are totally unlike those of Joyce — more to do with etymology than punning , more Germanic than Latin , and ultimately populist and patriotic in their insistence on how English arose out of its pre-Conquest roots .
10 For a number of years they have been producing the yachts in their range in both standard and Master versions , the latter being more luxuriously appointed and intended for private ownership .
11 Jon had discovered that the plants are limited in their range by largely specific environmental conditions .
12 The father of these children are one or other of the mother 's first two husbands , the first of whom ( from whom she was divorced in 1976 ) has played no part in their lives at least since 1980 , and the second of whom committed suicide in 1984 .
13 The birth rate is notoriously difficult to predict as people remain very capricious in their decisions about when , and how many , children to have .
14 They vary in their estimates of how many patients might trace some or all of their symptoms to food , but most come up with a figure of 20–30 per cent .
15 There had been nothing either prurient or arbitrary in their choice of frankly sexual emblems to embody the mystery of the Conjunction ; but even in times less hypocritical than her own such pictures had proved subject to misinterpretation .
16 Do you think , in fact , Michael , that , that parents actually can do harm to their children by insisting on being involved in their teaching at too early a stage , for example by forcing their children to read ?
17 In their initiation into both the craft and culture of pedagogy , it is in the interests of novice teachers to conform in order to place their relations with pupils and fellow teachers on a secure base and so to get established in their role .
18 ‘ The Americans have kept the title in their country for too long .
19 The Americans have had the title in their country for too long .
20 The Americans have had the title in their country for too long .
21 Both companies are licensed to use this source code in their products for as long as they choose .
22 And they say the District Valuer 's valued it at that , and they , and they , they would be failing in their responsibility to maybe try
23 This might seem to be moving away from Golyadkin , but in point of tone The Double and The Possessed draw closest to one another , and to Don Quixote , in the ludicrous materialities of preparation , and in their juxtaposing of very particular odds and ends with an airy universality which in lesser hands would be emptiness .
24 " In the spandrels of this roundel the large birds ( in their positioning at least ) further recall the Woodchester mosaic and its four reclining nymphs. ( b ) Both mosaics also include an outer band of swastika meander relieved by only four narrow strips of guilloche mat .
25 So far only Berghaus , Karrimor and Phoenix — though the latter only in their ski-wear for now — are using the lining for a range of jackets and sweaters aimed at both the technical outdoor and leisure markets .
26 Until that legislation came into force , boys and girls were often deliberately taught different curricula such that boys more often took ‘ academic ’ subjects while girls took ‘ vocational ’ subjects , and girls were sometimes formally limited in their access to further and higher education by the operation of quotas ( e.g. at medical schools ) .
27 In their humanism at least Fanon and Gide may be compared .
28 Extensive use is made of tables , charts , and diagrams to guide students in their reading and understanding of a given text , and in their analysis of how it is constructed .
29 and er just to , just to sit , it was just that Penny and Kev and Pam and Grant have got different ways in their mind to where we are , we do n't go anywhere in a hurry , I do n't go somewhere and think oh I 've got to be back at ten o'clock
30 ‘ Most people should be back in their rooms by now .
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