Example sentences of "in which he [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 He derived deep satisfaction from his own creative work in which he engaged in quiet , country places and in the privacy of his own study .
2 Born in 1924 , his ambitions were delayed by the outbreak of the second world war in which he served in the Royal Naval Reserve from 1943 , first in Coastal Forces and then on minesweepers , rising to the rank of lieutenant before being demobilised three years later .
3 Did that , he was asked in the House of Commons , mean that he had been out of sympathy with the policies of the Government in which he served in the '80s ?
4 After taking a degree in Mediaeval History at St. Andrew 's University , in which he specialised in mediaeval medicine , Mark joined ASH Scotland in 1986 as a Project Development Officer .
5 ‘ Brighty ’ earned the Golden Boot award for the highest scorer in Division Two in 1987–88 , in which he hit 24 goals , and his efforts in the following promotion term , in which he played in every match , took him into the select group of men who have netted over 50 League goals for our club .
6 Peter overcame this adversity in fine style and his later career with us was highlighted by his regular appearances throughout 1975–76 , in which he played in all eight Cup ties in Palace 's great run to the FA Cup semi-final , and then the following season , when he was captain at times after the loss of Ian Evans .
7 Derain , although as early as 1904 he had executed a still life in which he seized in a more or less superficial way on some of the aspects of Cézanne 's art which were later to fascinate and influence the Cubists , did not begin to look at Cézanne really seriously until 1906 .
8 The style in which he lived in Passy was not a style to which he had always been accustomed .
9 He gives us a picture of a firm conversion to theism in the summer of 1929 , followed by a period in which he believed in God , but not in the doctrines of Christianity .
10 His visit lasted for a few hours at most — taking into account the time spent asleep — and the only really detailed description he gave was of the accommodation in which he slept in General Gowon 's home .
11 His churches showed an equally acute awareness of changing fashions : the neo-perpendicular of his fan-vaulted church of St John , Edinburgh ( 1818 ) , which challenged comparison with anything in England at that date , was superseded by the elegant Early English and neo-Norman of the numerous churches he built for the Duke of Buccleuch in the 1830s , and in 1843 by the mid-Decorated of his St Mary 's , Dundee , in which he reproduced in a much richer form the arcades and clerestory of the burned-down medieval church instead of building the usual preaching box desired by presbyterian divines at that time .
12 Portway claims that the slowest train in the world was one in which he travelled in Turkey .
13 Stern , who is known for his sometimes brash self-promotion , anchored a television documentary series in the early 1980s , in which he attempted in a Bronowski-like way to explain the ascent of architecture in America .
14 Throughout his control of the Elmswell estate Best also kept a memorandum book , in which he recorded in a haphazard fashion things he wished to remember : the wages agreed with servants ; debts owed and owing ; the number of sheep in the shepherd 's care .
15 He had finally chosen the version in which he spoke in a falsetto down a cardboard tube , with his nostrils clamped together .
16 Recently the satirical magazine Frigidaire published a feature in which he appeared in the nude .
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