Example sentences of "in which [pron] have [adv] " in BNC.

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1 On the stable block , in which nothing had ever been stabled in Adam 's memory , was a little tower with a running fox weathervane on it and below the small pitched roof a blue clock with hands of gold .
2 Even if cosy was n't the word she would have applied to the conservatory opening out before her she could see it was a little more intimate than the vast medieval refectory in which they 'd previously dined .
3 On the test session , subjects in one group continued with this same arrangement but for subjects in the critical experimental condition the stimuli were presented in the contexts in which they had not previously occurred .
4 They argued , first , that pre-exposure to a context will reduce the extent to which a subject is likely to learn about it ( see Balaz , Capra , Kasprow , and Miller 1982 ) ; second , that presenting reinforcers ( shocks in this experiment ) in a context in which they had not previously occurred is functionally equivalent to transferring the animal to a physically different context .
5 Those who were quite recently converted began to take responsibility in different areas in which they had not seen a need prior to our departure .
6 ‘ For my part I do not think that the House of Lords in that case had in mind the special position in the administration of justice of the Director of Public Prosecutions and the Crown Prosecution Service or would have been prepared to extend the effect of the orders of a civil court in such a way as indirectly to bind them in the performance of their duties in relation to the criminal law and before the criminal courts in circumstances in which they had not sought and may not have wished for an order for discovery .
7 It was not enough that they had been questioned at length about a work in which they had secretly collaborated : they were now to be insulted by having their acknowledged work dismissed as of small account .
8 Therefore , in order to avoid panic attacks , they stop placing themselves in the situations in which they had previously experienced these feelings .
9 Some engineering companies had experienced a decline in demand for their traditional output and were moving into new areas which , if more buoyant , did not offer the same continuity as those in which they had previously operated .
10 Rufus had simply not known who he was , Shiva was sure of that , had not recognized him as one of the other two male members of the little community in which they had all lived in such contiguity for something like two months .
11 Understandably , the conversation turned to the events of the past couple of weeks , in which they had all been involved .
12 Five bishops during the course of 1326 suffered such confiscation ; four were under similar threat for the way in which they had earlier filled their royal offices .
13 the industry in which they have traditionally worked has experienced a structural decline ( structural unemployment ) ;
14 African women see no point in being integrated into Western-influenced developments in which they have no say and see that strong social movements with social cohesion between men and women interested in equality and re-distribution of wealth are required .
15 A change of context is not enough ; what is required is that the subjects receive their test in a context in which they have previously undergone latent inhibition training with the target stimulus .
16 Marriage may feel yet one more place into which they have been pushed , one more area in which they have not been allowed to exercise their own choice .
17 In a sale of a family company with widely dispersed shareholdings , there may be some difficulty in persuading some of the shareholders to give warranties about the business in which they have not been involved .
18 Their involvement in those parts of the management plan in which they have not been previously interested will be taken on and driven by the possibly irresistible surge of the whole school 's development .
19 Having outlined the key features that have been used to distinguish positivist criminology , in its wider sense , it remains to consider the manner in which they have actually been manifested in the different causal theories that have been proposed .
20 It is just to be cautious about carrying ideas far beyond the regimes in which they have currently been tested .
21 It has , as they say , ‘ all the toys ’ , and is Fiat 's executive-class contender in a field in which they have consistently failed to shine to date .
22 They have fewer opportunities than men to be nourished by their work , since they are more often involved in dull and repetitive jobs ; secondly , the domestic and nurturing skills in which they have usually been trained are held in lower esteem both in the home and in the workplace than administrative or management skills , so what they do is less likely to receive praise ; lastly , they are conditioned to value praise from men more highly than praise from women , who are more often their colleagues or first-level bosses .
23 Back from Egypt for three months I was staying with my aunt in the Victorian villa in Tunbridge Wells in which we had both been born .
24 If the benefits of large families were obvious in the Irish peasant society in which we had once had our roots , they had a certain value for us too ; they scored vital points on the council housing list .
25 Proposed changes to the way in which we have traditionally served our members .
26 It would be like returning to resit an examination in which we have not done well enough to proceed to another level of our education .
27 One form in which we have not only change but contrast is variation form .
28 By the time ‘ Chronic Diseases ’ had been published , Hahnemann had decided that the remedy should be not only succussed but also diluted before repetition , and he formulated the fifty millesimal scale , in which we have both more succussion ( one hundred times instead of ten times ) and greater dilution ( fifty thousand times instead of a hundred times as in the centesimal scale ) .
29 Given that Scotland has little going for it in the way of geography , nothing special in the natural resources department compared with the seriously oil-rich countries and now a minimal industrial base , he argues that the asset in which we have consistently under-invested is our people .
30 Perhaps we should draw satisfaction from our willingness to accept such directives , unlike so many of our European colleagues , but if that is the situation now , when most Members of Parliament believe that we are still Members of a sovereign Parliament , what might it be like if we were to surrender the rest of our sovereignty to Brussels or to the European Parliament , in which we have only 16 per cent .
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