Example sentences of "in which [pron] [vb mod] [adv] " in BNC.

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31 She had experienced mounting terror at the thought of a new role in which she would certainly prove a failure — a woman who could not do her work , could not save her father , could not love her mother , could not satisfy her man , was most unlikely to make any sort of mother .
32 The chill of the eternal wind caused Gallois to attack the temporal culture in which no woman admits her age , in which she can never in public admit any exceptional or painful feeling .
33 Stroll around a spa ( and the atmosphere of relaxation hardly invites you to go any faster ) and you become lulled into a state in which you would hardly be surprised to see a monarch emerge from the portals of an hotel .
34 He 's written you a poem in which you might well think he was describing a fox outside his window but just at the point when the fox seems most real , it might be coming through the window or it might be going into its hole , he says that the hole that this fox lives in is his head .
35 Here are some further areas in which you may well have experience and that would stand you in good stead with a prospective employer .
36 What for me was most crucial in this process was a clear analysis of the health and national economic and political situation ; a strategy for addressing it which identifies both the major challenges and the spaces in which you can currently work for change ; commitment to mobilize as many as possible behind this strategy ; and whilst focusing on the local situation , not to neglect the national and international situation .
37 What we do have and have had for a long time in this country is an acceptance within our law and an acceptance within our definitions of freedom that there are responsibilities with freedom and those responsibilities in this particular case , we have long accepted the argument in this country , maybe not as much as erm , well more in fact than some of our colleagues abroad and maybe they could learn from us from this , but it is not acceptable to have the freedom to be unnecessarily cruel and in fox hunting we have a sport that is unnecessarily cruel , there are ways in which you can deal with rogue foxes , there are ways in which you can actually ensure that the fox community does not destroy the whole , er farming countryside .
38 If the outdoor work is not for you , there are many ways in which you can still help .
39 So you could literally have a situation in which you could live say er er a woman could er live er you know a mile from the state line and in one state er abortion er could be something which ended up with a doctor in prison for life , in another state , across the state line , it could be something which was er you know er provided free of charge by the state public health authorities .
40 I shall be obliged to you if you will be so good as to let the bearer have my copy of the last year 's Transactions , in which you will greatly oblige , Sir , your most humble servant , Philip Miller .
41 It is 1972 and I am travelling in a minibus through the Bekaa Valley , The Times correspondent in Ireland on holiday in Lebanon , unwittingly choosing to spend my vacation in the country in which I shall much later spend more than 13 years of my life .
42 ‘ It is obvious that I have been exploited for propaganda purposes in a film in which I should never have allowed myself to appear , ’ he bitterly commented afterwards .
43 But I am quite clear that the new system should have a trial under the most favourable possible circumstances ; and the mere fact that the new Chairman of the War Council did prefer , and , as far as I know still prefers , a different arrangement is , to my mind , quite conclusive , and leaves me in no doubt as to the manner in which I can best assist the Government which I desire to support .
44 He suggested that I write about poor women , and the only way in which I could honestly do that was to go and live among them , and I knew that you and Uncle Orrin would never agree to that .
45 Gershuny 's conclusion is that as new technology continues to be introduced we are likely to move to a ‘ dual economy ’ in which there would still be a formal sector of the economy , where there was much use of high technology , a continuing drive for efficiency , and the production of standardised goods , but this sector would increasingly concentrate on the production of consumer durables — in essence capital goods for use in the home .
46 The duty operated in the real world in which there would always be obstacles to giving every shade of opinion equal air time .
47 Because , according to Pöhl , ‘ monetary policy must not be obstructed by fiscal policy ’ , an ‘ independent ’ central bank would not only be completely unprecedented in recent history , it would also represent an immense concentration of power in the hands of unaccountable bankers , who would perforce be implementing policies which might be very unpopular , within an area in which there may well not be the kind of national consensus which obtains in Germany .
48 Like Bakhtin , Lecercle manages these moves without sinking into the quagmire of Marxism ; language may be a structure " erected on the unstable basis of contradiction and strife " ( p. 187 ) , but it is not a game in which there will ever be winners or losers — it will just go on being what it uncontrollably is , for it speaks us as much as we it .
49 Captain Cook broached the forbidding shores of west New Guinea , and lost several men there in a fight with the Asmat cannibals , under circumstances similar to those in which he would later lose his own life in the Hawaiian Islands .
50 He continued sending her letters in which he would religiously detail the fortunes of The Wedding Present and continually reaffirm his deep love for her .
51 But what people notice about Anthony is the way he holds his head down , that he 'll hardly ever look you in the eye , and the manner in which he will suddenly turn his whole head away if ever there is disagreement or he is challenged in some way .
52 But to Dustin 's credit he recognised it as a role in which he could immediately dissociate himself from the whole ‘ image ’ concept of acting , as well as prove that , ‘ I was a character actor , not just this nebbish kid that Nichols found .
53 He was arrested and tortured in German and Italian prisons , and once was confined in a bottle-dungeon in which he could neither sit nor stand up .
54 Well , of course , there 's a sense in which he could easily have prayed for them , but at that moment , in that particular place , that was not God 's purpose .
55 If she did , he would know at once that there were certain ways in which he could still get to her .
56 … crime and folly and error can be as severely lashed , as virtue and morality can be upheld , by a series of amusing causes and effects , that entice the reader to take a medicine , which , although rendered agreeable to the palate , still produces the same internal benefit as if it had been presented to him in its crude state , in which it would either be refused or nauseated .
57 Even if there was personal participation by all the citizens in the making of decisions and policies , the only situation in which it would even appear to be clear what was the will of the people would be a unanimous decision .
58 A world was coming in which it would almost certainly never again be possible to walk quietly , as Frederica and Alexander walked , through the village where Van Gogh tramped and set up his easel in the clean dust .
59 Also , there are situations in which it could well save the day .
60 The CNAA 's procedures , its concern with the total academic environment in which its courses were offered , had led it — at a time when its relationships with the institutions were under intensive discussion — to a position in which it could directly influence the management and operation of an institution where it perceived weaknesses , as well as the institution 's own relationships with governors and the local authority .
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