Example sentences of "in a [noun] [coord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Such cheating may take the form of coaching or practice , but it may also take the subtle form of the chemistry teacher who asked the GCE student , ‘ are you sure that is what you want ? ’ when she was asking for some particular potion to complete an experiment in a practical examination , or the American teacher on the same 1987 visit who pointed to a particular answer in a workbook and asked the student to ‘ check that out ’ .
2 Before they had time to say a word , she had rushed across the room , enveloped Dimity in a bear-hug and kissed her soundly on each cheek .
3 You can also stop the tape at a dramatic point in a story and ask your students to devise their own ending to it .
4 A friend has told me that you 've satirized me thoroughly in a story and spilled some confidences about my wife .
5 Describe what has happened in a story and predict what may happen next .
6 For one thing , Kelly 's very happily involved in a relationship and has been for some time , so I 'm quite convinced her eyes wo n't stray towards any ski-bums , no matter how handsome . ’
7 Zeinab rose from the table in a fury and flounced out .
8 The first is that of Aphrodite and Adonis : Aphrodite , the great Goddess , hides the child Adonis in a chest and gives him to Persephone , Goddess of the Underworld , who falls in love with Adonis and refuses to give him back .
9 Take a look at yourself in a mirror and judge for yourself if you measure up .
10 He 'll never have to see himself day after day in a mirror and wonder if it was worth it because he 's blind , you see .
11 A couple of hours later she glanced at herself in a mirror and gave a rueful little chuckle .
12 It is unlikely that most of these sentences would be uttered in a conversation or used in a meaningful text .
13 It was later stored in a crock and used in baking .
14 Sometimes a vote results in a tie and to resolve the deadlock it is generally accepted , and often laid down in standing orders , that the Chairman has a casting vote in addition to the regular vote he may have .
15 They camouflaged the vehicles in a wadi and dispersed in search of shade and some sleep .
16 Then he ran out in a panic and said he was a doctor and thought I was dying .
17 Woodruffe jumped out of the car in a panic and looked for Woolley .
18 ‘ Defecting ’ , for a wasp , would mean laying eggs in too many of the flowers in a fig and pollinating too few of them .
19 What a waste of time , we all know that the county council is the the highway authority and is fully responsible for traffic management , we 're in a minority and to set up a working party is a complete waste of time . .
20 Julie Hall , the 1987 English Champion who was to finish as high as third , had an opening 82 which took in an 8 at the 12th where her 2-iron second took off in a gust and ended in rough so deep that her third was an air shot .
21 After she left at 16 she got a job in a pub but became interested in nursing as a career , being taken on as a trainee student nurse three years later .
22 In some cases , however , the information on contacts may be slender , particularly if the sexual encounter followed a pick-up in a pub or resulted from a drunken all-night party which had been gate-crashed , and the contact-tracer may then be involved in trips , often abortive , to the Jolly Fig and Navel in the seedier part of town to try to locate Suzie — ‘ … the one with the long blonde hair , pink mini-skirt , and acne ’ .
23 ‘ When you 're sitting in a pub and discussing the merits of the Beatles , you mention that and people look at you sideways .
24 I remember a friend in a pub and remember thinking :
25 Andrew Clarkson , prosecuting , said Siddle told the police he had bought the video from a man in a pub and had found the jewellery and just not handed it in .
26 Then he 'd been walking back to The Randolph when he suddenly felt he just could n't face his excessively sympathetic countrymen , and he 'd called in a pub and drunk a couple of pints of lager .
27 I know they 've got a bit of crime rate with burglaries but it 's not actual violence round , and round Valley you can do the same , go in a pub and come out , and er no one 'll say nothing .
28 A MAN who went on a violent rampage , breaking bottles and glasses in a pub and attacking a woman and a police officer , claimed his drinks had been spiked with drugs .
29 You can go in a pub and have a chat with your mates . ’
30 McShane , one of the driving forces behind the Hunger Marches of the 1930s , and Milligan , a founder member of the British Communist Party , hid in a pub and downed a few pints until a party of workers arrived from the Gorbals to rescue them .
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