Example sentences of "in the good of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 EVEN IN THE BEST OF WEATHERS the view from the officers ’ mess of 16th Division 's Cambridge Barracks was dispiriting .
2 Keep drawing , Ms Madelin , you 're in the best of company !
3 Keep drawing , Ms Madelin , you 're in the best of company !
4 This was a day of staying put in Stornoway and I was in the best of company as Prince Charles was also in town .
5 An hour or so in the best of company , the bar is open , and all for £3 — what more can we do ?
6 In The Best of Golf Peter Alliss and Bob Ferrier deal with the great players and the great deeds , plus some lesser and more interesting ones .
7 There is a feeling of light in the best of Green 's work and a directness and freshness in the use of aquatint and of line .
8 Gordon Mitchell 's admirable technical accuracy involves the eye , but the lyricism innate in the best of Brenda Lenaghan 's work makes greater appeal .
9 Just the sort of behaviour , in fact , that , had it been the work of the lads from the local council estate , would have resulted in a platoon of plods descending at great speed , batons ready in the best of LAPD fashion .
10 The brief martial exercise , however unorthodox , had put the lord of Parfois in the best of humours .
11 As in the best of parables , the good driver wins — he who drives more carefully actually gets there faster .
12 These things can happen in the best of families , and among the many pictures of the Rassendylls at home , you can see that five or six of them have the same blue eyes , the same nose , and the same red hair .
13 It happens in the best of families . ’
14 Even in the best of times Scotland is a neurotic sort of place .
15 He found that Christians had stood firmly by their faith and practice ; only one family had lapsed , and that had been very weak , even in the best of times .
16 ‘ Of necessity ’ , they wrote , ‘ the Government had to use the former regime 's detention institutions , which in the best of times had been rudimentary and which deteriorated notably in the years prior to the fall of Somoza ’ ( IACHR 1983 : 99 ) .
18 He began to ask me what the realities were of his medical situation and his prognosis — what could be hoped for in the best of circumstances .
19 Rodney was not in the best of tempers because ( he kept saying ) he could n't see out of the rear window with that damned bicycle in the way .
20 Sara was not in the best of tempers because ( she kept saying ) she had nowhere to put her feet between the aubergines and the case of wine on the floor .
21 The CO was not in the best of tempers .
22 I set off back to the hospital — not in the best of tempers after a foul drive in filthy weather — and it was on the way home , as the wet lamps marched towards me , that it happened .
23 The handful of extracts , words of kitchen advice , recipes , menus , and descriptive passages I have chosen to quote are none of them to be found in The Best of Boulestin , the American-selected anthology published in England by Heinemann in 1952 and still available at 21s .
24 It is given in The Best of Boulestin and was a feature of his restaurant menu .
25 One 1 commend to your attention is a mousse de laitues , a kind of soufflé of cooked lettuces , given in The Finer Cooking and reproduced in The Best of Boulestin .
26 The recipe which , under the name of langue savoyarde again appears in several of his books , is to be found in The Best of Boulestin .
27 I was n't in the best of shape to receive bad news and that was what awaited me in the byre .
28 The story goes that one dismal morning they were detailed to take their Mosquito , ‘ D ’ for Dog , up for testing , and as there had been quite a party in the Mess on the previous evening , neither was feeling in the best of moods as they trudged out to dispersal at the crack of dawn .
29 It was , by now , Saturday , a day on which the registrar 's office was normally closed , so special arrangements had to be made and the registrar had to open up just for me , which , I imagine , had n't put him in the best of moods , which manifested itself when I could n't remember the date on which Nigel and I were married .
30 The Doctor could see she was not in the best of moods .
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