Example sentences of "in the [adj] [noun] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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31 Of the four activities mentioned in the Great Commission recorded by Matthew — going , baptising , making disciples and teaching — the objective of these activities is to ‘ make disciples ’ .
32 Some of the marble floors in the great halls cracked under the weight of machinery moved over them after they had been prematurely laid down .
33 Visual Media Education appeared in the Visual Series published by the Trustees of the Christian Brothers .
34 Formerly Prime Minister in the Croatian government formed by the right-wing Croatian Democratic Union ( HDZ ) in May , he had been elected to the Presidency by the Croatian Assembly in August after it had recalled the communist Stipe Suvar .
35 The municipal museum of Vukovar which was housed in the stately home built by the Eltz family in 1749 , one of the most beautiful baroque buildings in Slavonia , has been badly bombed .
36 Following the stylistic and archaeological debate over whether paintings in the prehistoric cave found by Henri Cosquer at Sormiou , near Marseilles , in September 1991 were fakes or not ( see The Art Newspaper No. 21 , October 1992 , p.17 ) , scientific analysis of pollen and carbon-14 remains have confirmed a palaeolithic date .
37 The hot Cyprus autumn moved from one week to the next , and Zacco prepared for his forthcoming triumph by installing himself in the moated citadel built by his great-grandfather at Sigouri , ten miles west of the besieged Famagusta .
38 In the Communist Manifesto published in 1849 the major changes to be brought about by revolution were the abolition of private property in land ; a heavy progressive income tax ; the abolition of the right of inheritance ; nationalisation of banking , transport and the media ; and free education for all children in public schools .
39 For some while , the trip has had uncomfortable similarities to the Soviet leader 's visit to China last May , when the presence of the man who incarnates reform in the Communist world served as a combustible in the ‘ Peking Spring ’ that was to be forcibly suppressed a fortnight later .
40 Most of these signed items had been dismissed as the work of mere copyists of Classical and Hellenistic creations , and even the unusual decorative and free-standing sculpture unearthed in the short-lived excavations undertaken at Aphrodisias itself in 1904-5 ( by Paul Gaudin ) and in 1937 ( by Giulio Jacopi ) failed to excite many experts .
41 Spenser in The Faerie Queene referred to :
42 Show how the following numbers would be held in normalized form in the floating-point format given in Figure 2.8:0 , + I , 128 +0.171875 .
43 Pabulum Consultants ' Jennifer Rust comments : ‘ Many companies will only invest in the minimum training required to get the system up and running ; it is not surprising in these cases that the systems are not being used to their full potential .
44 In the specific cases discussed — especially the rapidly changing colleges of education and new subject areas — the Council 's machinery , standards and purposes were often being put to the test , giving rise to frustration and controversy .
45 It is only in the specific circumstances defined by the statute ( when it is either impossible or inappropriate to obtain or to rely on breath specimens ) that it is either necessary or permissible to require the driver to provide a specimen of blood or urine .
46 So in conclusion adoption of the M R C follow up follow up policy would have resulted in targeting of cystoscopic follow up to higher risk group patients , a two percent increase in the cystoscopic resources required and delayed diagnosis of tumour progression in one patient , and as I 've said I I think that G three P T one tumours should be excluded from er this type of protocol .
47 Teachers in the northern school openly admitted the social problems of their pupils and their consequent educational difficulties , whereas teachers in the southern school expressed much satisfaction with their particular status quo .
48 Just above T c , thermodynamic fluctuations produce small , transient regions of the superconducting state , giving rise to an anomalous increase in the normal-state conductivity known as paraconductivity .
49 As more and more stone-filled gabions were built in to reduce the erosion which the scheme had set in train , it became apparent that Pandora 's box had been opened , and that what might have worked as a piece of traditional river canalization in the cohesive sediments found downstream had proved a recipe for disaster when applied in the unstable gravels of this upland brook .
50 The curve is derived in the four-quadrant diagram shown in Fig. 4.11 where graph ( i ) shows the demand for labour function and graph ( iii ) shows the unemployment function ; graph ( ii ) depicts a 45 ° line which enables us to switch the demand for labour axis from being vertical in graph ( i ) to being horizontal in graph ( iii ) .
51 Early evaluation of the CADDIS prototype was carried out in conjunction with ATE personnel which resulted in greater confidence in the general approach coupled with acceptance and participation in the general approach .
52 It was felt that his return would bolster the prospects of an alliance of secular opposition parties led by Ben Bella 's Movement for Democracy in Algeria ( MDA ) in the general election scheduled for March 1991 .
53 In the general election held in the Federal Republic of Germany in January 1987 , the Christian Democratic Union won 34.5% of the national political vote and 35.0% of the seats in the Bundestag .
54 In May 1989 Denzil Douglas , 36 , Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly , was elected leader of the opposition St Kitts-Nevis Labour Party ( SKLP ) after the resignation of Lee Moore , who had again failed to win a seat in the general election held on March 21 .
55 Sharif , 41 , was backed by the coalition Islamic Democratic Alliance ( IDA ) , which had won a landslide victory over the Pakistan People 's Party ( PPP ) in the general election held in October [ see pp. 37763-64 ] .
56 Six newcomers won seats in the Niue Assembly in the general election held in May 1990 , Niue 's sixth since the island obtained self-governing status in October 1974 [ for previous general election in March 1987 see p. 35206 ] .
57 The National Progressive Party ( NPP ) led by former civil servant Reuben Meade , formed only the previous month , achieved a comprehensive victory in the general election held on Oct. 8 .
58 The ruling National Alliance for Reconstruction ( NAR ) suffered a humiliating defeat in the general election held on Dec. 16 .
59 In the general election held on April 27 the United Workers ' Party ( UWP ) of Prime Minister John Compton , 66 , won a third consecutive five-year term of office .
60 The opposition Free National Movement ( FNM ) won a historic victory in the general election held on Aug. 19 .
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