Example sentences of "in [det] [noun] [coord] have " in BNC.

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1 All four restaurants are situated near the main shopping and business centres in each town and have the advantage of accessible car parking .
2 There had been problems in his relationship with his girlfriend and indeed he 'd come to see my firm about six months ago because of the deterioration in that relationship and had general advice then about his legal position should there be a separation .
3 Like the Anglo-Irish , they had lived long in that country and had built its prosperity , only to see themselves betrayed by the politics of moderation and compromise .
4 By s.24 goods are stolen for the purposes of handling if any one or four conditions is fulfilled : ( a ) they have been stolen contrary to s.1 ; ( b ) they have been obtained by deception contrary to s.15 ; ( c ) they have been obtained by blackmail contrary to s.21 ; ( d ) they have been subject to an act done in a foreign country which was both a crime in that country and had it occurred in England , would have been theft , obtaining by deception , or blackmail in this country .
5 We are well aware of the facts in that connection and have substantially increased the capital allocations for police forces in Scotland by some £6 million this year , which is an enormous increase .
6 Right hang on there Bev , money right that was softer than other ones , I 'll come in another day and have a good root round
7 He made the point that enthusiasts , such as himself , whose principal interest was working main line steam , now have very limited scope in this Country and have to look increasingly to far off under-developed countries for this form of traction .
8 erm if people are restored to confidence , feel that they are able to travel , that of course reduces the number of people who are going to stay in this country and have their holidays here , and Stan , if I can come back to you , I mean we it is almost arguing against the point that you were making a few moments ago that , you know , you want people to stay in this country .
9 That possibility was handled by Bob Beckman , an American economist-writer who has settled in this country and has built a reputation for the uncanny accuracy of his predictions , though it is fair to say that not everyone agrees with his views of his predictions .
10 These days she is one of the few top Tories who can still command respect in this country and has tremendous status abroad .
11 Having known him in this country and having travelled around Israel with him , I know that he is tough and resilient .
12 Marion was born in this cottage and had long become used to the passage of trains and shunting movements in the adjacent sidings .
13 The Branches have to depend upon the voluntary support of the membership to fulfil what many see as their prime role , and where once the polytechnics were able heavily to subsidise a service of CPD seminars or even help run an ‘ in-house ’ programme , they can no longer operate in this way and have to charge for the events on a full cost basis .
14 The state , prompted by the FMC , has taken numerous measures to encourage women in this way and has set up nursery schools , crèches , workers ' canteens , automatic laundries , the provision of medical facilities and a system of grants .
15 Well I 'd like to say that it 's not only adults who have an interest in this subject and have been watching what the county council is going to do about it .
16 I know that he had hoped to take part in this debate but had to be elsewhere ; I pay tribute to the fact that he has shown a personal interest in the case .
17 The researchers have been working in this area and have produced a new kind of geometric structure which is particularly appropriate to use in statistical theory .
18 I was n't too sure what ‘ officiants ’ were in this context but have since realized that they perform in place of ministers of religion in humanist funerals .
19 ‘ I 've had six years experience in this market and have built up a high personal profile among clients , ’ he explains .
20 The Council of Churches in Namibia are responsible for setting up repatriation centres but South Africa 's colonial Administration General lAG ) in Namibia is trying to interfere in this process and has even suggested the use of South African military bases for this purpose !
21 I am in the possession of a number of splendid suits , kindly passed on to me over the years by Lord Darlington himself , and by various guests who have stayed in this house and had reason to be pleased with the standard of service here .
22 If you are in this situation and have a friend who will come in for an evening so that you can go out , accept their offer for both your sakes .
23 Our Investigation Department were not dragging their heels in this respect and had already pulled off several coups as a result of painstaking groundwork with contacts abroad and in the UK .
24 Um I think that um y'know it 's often quite intimidating to be confronted with y'know sort of say eighty odd questions , if you were to use that many , erm so if you if you kind of break it up a bit in some way and have different headed sections with slightly different format questions it might y'know kind of help people through it as it were .
25 Birds which are able to dive deeply , such as the auks ( razorbills , guillemots , puffins and black guillemots ) fared better in some areas but have had poor breeding success in others .
26 Kopyion had expressed a great deal of interest in these killings but had not passed on all the information available to him .
27 Over the years brambles had spread in all directions and had wound round the barbed wire , so it would have taken an axe or some other sharp tool to have gained entry , one certainly could n't have reached the top of the stairway at all .
28 I had been a thing of firm , clear outlines ; now I seemed to splay out in all directions and to have assumed a shape , thanks to undue accretions of flesh , which bore no relation to the person I believed to exist within it .
29 This applies where two companies have used identical or similar marks for at least five years or more in all honesty and have built up goodwill in ignorance of the use of the mark by the other company .
30 Prince Dara was a man of dignified manners , of a comely countenance , polite in conversation , ready and gracious of speech , of extraordinary liberality , kindly and compassion ate , but over-confident in his opinion of himself , considering himself competent in all things and having no need of advisers .
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