Example sentences of "in [noun prp] is [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It will be an early user of the new machine , while the Supercomputer Computations Research Institute at Florida State University in Tallahassee is also planning to evaluate it .
2 The net gain in Germany is therefore represented by area 4 .
3 A fortnightly clinic at Guisborough and a monthly clinic in Brotton is also prescribed .
4 Immunity to Trichostrongylus as in Ostertagia is slowly acquired and in sheep and probably goats it wanes during the periparturient period .
5 The government-backed Industrial Technology Research Institute ( ITRI ) , in Taiwan is reportedly thinking about taking a second crack at a locally designed Sparc processor : it supposedly came up with 25MHz three-chip silicon in the spring , but was shooting for 50MHz .
6 Saying we were in Berkshire is like saying we 're in Surrey now .
7 When or why he was reinstated in Marseilles is not known , but Guntram continued to harass him ; claiming in 585 that he was one of those responsible for the murder of Chilperic , apparently one of the wildest of many such accusations made by the king .
8 Development of the Kadanwari field in Pakistan is underway following successful gas price negotiations .
9 Even though the Ministry of Defence insists no decision has been reached , MPs North of the border suspect that Devonport in Plymouth is now favoured .
10 Withdrawal of one of the four Russian divisions in Hungary is already scheduled .
11 LASMO 's interest in Syria is now confined to the Al Bishri block .
12 Spines can restrict the diffusion of Ca 2+ ( ref. 40 ) ; however , whether they do so in LTP is not known .
13 Any reminder of the catastrophic fire which destroyed the main thematic Pavilion of Discoveries in February is happily dismissed with references to past World Fairs .
14 Technical Education in Scotland is presently undergoing a dramatic transformation and the Technical Department in Heriot 's is no exception .
15 The hatred between Labour and the SNP in Scotland is not matched in ferocity between Labour and the nationalists in Wales .
16 A restaurant in Swansea is now catering for all tastes , by serving canine customers , as well as human ones .
17 The development of a specifically Croatian literature in Dalmatia is normally attributed to the high-born , Italian-educated Marko Marulić ( 1450–1524 ) from Split , although many of his predecessors and contemporaries spoke Croatian and were aware of the vernacular tradition .
18 A good third of the stock of any hardware retail shop in Nairobi is now derived from this source .
19 Artegall 's initiative in Ireland is not completed and savagery is allowed to regain a hold .
20 The separation of the two opposing alliances in Ireland is thus replicated at the level of schooling .
21 It goes without saying that his accomplishments did not match his campaign rhetoric — taxes were increased , the state budget more than doubled while he was in office and there were no significant reductions in the size of the state workforce yet his ‘ record in Sacramento is generally regarded as favorable ’ .
22 Covent Garden 's Il Viaggio a Reims in July is eagerly awaited , and Buxton Festival is doing L'Italiana in Algeri later that month , with Jane Glover conducting .
23 The flood story in Babylonia is also known from a Sumerian text telling virtually the same tale , though more briefly , and many Sumerian compositions refer to the distant days of the flood or before .
24 Despite the difficulties of relating it to the archaeology , Bede 's statement about the origins of the Germanic settlers in England is generally accepted .
25 Halcyon days indeed but now the trio have broken up and McWilliams after another brief spell in England is back searching around for mounts .
26 This first main stage of Gothic architecture in England is often likened to the springtime of the style .
27 I feel too tired to sleep so I play some Despot when I get home but my heart 's not in it and the Empire is still in a tattered-looking state after all the earlier disasters and I 'm almost wondering if I should start again but that would mean going back to the fucking dawn of civilisation and the temptation in Despot is always to swap PoV , which people who do n't know the game always think sounds sort of innocent , like some detail , but it is n't : you 're not just swapping point of View , you 're swapping your current Despotic power Level for something less , even if it 's a regional lord or other king or a general or royal relation close to the throne , and it is not to be done lightly because as soon as you renounce the current Despot 's PoV the computer takes over and it 's a smart fucking piece of software .
28 The adult education service in Croydon is well supported by the local authority .
29 The overall effect of the song in Rivendell is perhaps to show Bilbo approaching a body of lore and of poetry higher than the normal hobbitic vein , higher indeed than mortals can normally comprehend .
30 Johnson & Johnson in Canada is currently making sanitary towels out of the stuff ( peat moss soaks up 12 times its own weight of liquid ) .
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