Example sentences of "in [noun prp] and had [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Subsequently two foresters had attempted to arrest a townsman in Colchester and had accidentally killed him , whereupon the bailiffs and townsmen had arrested and imprisoned the foresters .
2 Michael Manley , who had resigned as Prime Minister for health reasons in March and had also been replaced as leader of the ruling People 's National Party ( PNP ) [ see p. 38808 ] , gave up his parliamentary seat in mid-April .
3 This had dropped him at a garage in Cromcruach and had then mysteriously vanished before he could offer his thanks .
4 The Syrian Defence Minister , Gen. Mustafa Tlass , had visited Moscow in February and had reportedly received a pledge of military aid .
5 Toledo was of no military value to the Nationalist advance , but it had considerable religious , historic and emotional significance , for it was the seat of the head of the Catholic Church in Spain and had once been the hub of the Spanish empire .
6 Detained in July 1991 , he had been freed on bail in November and had apparently slipped bail .
7 Although until late in 1912 Picasso and Braque lived in Montmartre and had relatively little contact with the other Cubists who lived mostly on the Left Bank or in the suburbs , they did not live in isolation .
8 Mr Rawlinson said NACRO was busy in Harwich and had recently undertaken work to clear up the town 's Bobbitt 's Hole nature reserve and The Hangings beauty spot .
9 Like most officers ' children , Alex and Victoria were educated in Britain and had very little contact with children of any other class but their own .
10 The commission for the piece came from Life magazine , but due to a change in publishers the images never ran , ‘ I 've tried to sell it overseas and in Europe and had very good success with it .
11 The ANC defended its intention to stage the demonstration , as part of its mass action campaign [ see p. 39037 ] , on the grounds that Gqozo 's regime had prevented free political activity in Ciskei and had effectively prohibited the ANC organizing within the homeland 's population of 850,000 .
12 ‘ When I arrived I could n't speak a word of Spanish , did n't know anything about the photographic scene in Madrid and had never worked as a professional photographer before , so it was n't the easiest of situations to begin with . ’
13 In his choice of contributor Lehmann was able to draw upon his wide-ranging contacts , for he had lived for a period in Vienna and had also travelled Europe in search of material .
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