Example sentences of "in [noun prp] [conj] they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Will he accept that it is of particular interest to householders in Chelmsford because they accept that home energy labelling will lead to substantial energy savings ?
2 Scottish police found them in a women 's refuge in Inverness but they disappeared again and may now be in London a city Mrs Ivory knows and likes .
3 ‘ Then it 's a good job I spent time with the Soviet Embassy in Stockholm before they sent me to Washington .
4 In World War II , when German bombing destroyed the Swire head office in the City , Swire moved his entire staff to his mother 's house in Harlow and they commuted to London together .
5 He and his wife , Kathy , moved from a large thatched house in Berkshire when they bought the property eight years ago .
6 When she discovered , in the summer of 1977 , that 5,500 metres of plain cloth was ‘ hanging about in Helmond and they do n't know what to do with it ’ , she was appalled and gave orders for it to be made up into suitable garments immediately .
7 He told the jury that the first raid occurred on April 3 at Sattherthwaite 's confectioners in Crosby when they threatened two women employees with a screwdriver and demanded cash .
8 Mr Globe said the first raid was at Satterthwaite 's confectioners in Crosby when they threatened two women with a screwdriver and stole £513 .
9 They came home , packed their bags , left Wales for good and set up in Brussels until they found a new house .
10 They want the thing to be sorted out properly in Brussels and they want the French authorities to be told in no uncertain terms that it 's their job to control the activities of their farmers .
11 It was in 1863 at the farmhouse at Camerone in Mexico that they had fought their most spectacular action .
12 Love blossomed on a summer holiday in Morecambe and they decided to tie the knot .
13 Chris Morris told me that the other group had got caught in Basra because they had lost touch with reality briefly and got careless . ’
14 probation officer with the state in Texas and they decide they want a trial at monitoring and they ask if I would be interested and so we begin the programme , the first in-house operative programme in Texas , and we set up our programme from scratch and started just kind of working on trial and error trying to make the thing worked .
15 But , to be fair , the McLaren directors had other matters on their mind in Portugal as they moped Senna 's fevered brow and cursed Mansell 's unwelcome intrusion into a family affair .
16 They do their best to make even our delightful local trattoria in Mondano sound like a Berni Inn in Basingstoke as they call raucously for prawn cocktail and steak and chips , having to settle with obvious disgust for the pure poetry of Signora Sparanti 's risotto con funghi .
17 Earlier this week we joined them in Hungary as they rehearsed their display for the Fairford show .
18 I looked for one of those sandwich box things for Gerald in Sainsburys and they had n't got one .
19 Never conventional homeowners , the Stewarts , from the West Coast of Scotland , lived in an 18th-century house in Spitalfields when they took their textile business to London .
20 A total of seven points out of eight were lost to the Tayside club last season and Aberdeen 's only point from United this term came at Tannadice in December after they had held , and then surrendered , a two-goal lead .
21 Brazil 's informatics policy has obliged industry leaders like IBM and DEC to adopt policies in Brazil that they tend to avoid elsewhere .
22 You only have to look and see what happened in Germany when Beckenbauer retired , in Brazil when they lost Pele and Holland when they no longer had Cruyff .
23 Will the Minister offer the House any justification for the provision of more money to schools in Hampshire because they happen to serve the current dogma of the present Government ?
24 Wilson knew that some visiting Americans had let it be widely known in Florence that they considered Mrs Browning little more than a ghost and though she had laughed such gossip to scorn she now saw there was perhaps real cause for alarm .
25 SIR — In addition to the problems encountered by Spanish researchers in finding a post in Spain after they have obtained a doctorate in another country ( see Nature 306 , 502 ; 1992 %and ; 361 , 578 ; 1993 ) , there is also the slowness of the procedure for obtaining recognition in their title .
26 Heilen trout are , in my opinion , some of the most beautiful wild brown trout in Scotland and they fight more furiously than you can ever imagine .
27 You see my brother Joe is wrong , he should have , he 's a workaholic , and they 're doing sixteen hours a day and they 're working , can you imagine , and I mean my youngest brother Brad who 's working with him said er Joe do n't stop , a week , no a fortnight la , a fortnight last Sunday they had to put a not air conditioning yeah it is air conditioning unit in Smith 's in Staines and they had to whatever happens they had to get it working for the next day , it 's got to be in and working and they worked all day , my brother , my eldest brother Derek weld it for nine hours non stop , to the point where Brad our , my younger brother and Joe had
28 Belgium , Luxembourg and the Netherlands announced in May that they had joined the 1987 Missile Technology Control Regime ( MTCR ) which committed industrialized countries to restricting missile proliferation in the developing world .
29 On March 9 the Polish Foreign Ministry protested to the Lithuanian government about a decision to ban by April 1 all textbooks printed in foreign countries , which in particular affected Polish schools in Lithuania as they had been using history books printed in Poland .
30 ‘ No one believes they are in Florida until they see a palm tree . ’
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